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As there had been votes of the two Houses about bringing the King to Richmond for a treaty, and other more secret signs of Presbyterian activity, the Army then again applied the screw. This had the intended effect. They withdrew, therefore, to Wycombe in Bucks. Hist.

His health, however, now gave way, a trouble in his head making it necessary to suspend work; and after a tour of Europe he remained for two or three years at Bradenham, near High Wycombe, his father's country-house, happy in the companionship of his father and mother, and his thoroughly congenial sister Sarah; passionately fond of country life, and during the time producing a novel, "The Young Duke," and three shorter works, "Popanilla," "The Infernal Marriage," and "Ixion in Heaven," gay and brilliant satires, sparkling with epigram and with beauty, and destined to live with the English language and English history.

They pushed on to High Wycombe before night-fall, and supped tete-a-tete in the best room of the inn, with Fareham's faithful Manningtree to bring in the chief dish, and the people of the house to wait upon them.

Garrett Anderson, M.D., was elected Mayor of Aldeburgh; Miss Dove, M.A., the head mistress of Wycombe Abbey School, came within two votes of being chosen Mayor of the borough of High Wycombe.

He found her looking very charming in a light summer frock of white lace with a few black bows set about it, and he thought that she seemed less under a strain than she had seemed the day before. He told her that he was returning to Low Wycombe; she expressed regret at his going, and thanked him for his efforts to clear up the matter of Lord Loudwater's death. They parted on the friendliest terms.

My election will have no conceivable kind of effect on anything or anybody except myself; so I ask, as man to man, the Electors of the Southern or Wycombe Division of the County of Buckingham to accept a ride in one of my motor-cars; and poll early to please a pal God Save the King." Tyranny and Head-Dress

Thence they went through Burford to Oxford; afterwards riding in easy daily stages through Wycombe and Uxbridge to London town.

"Did anybody call on him yesterday?" asks Miss Bulstrode, careless like "a lady?" "No," I says; "you are the first as yet." "He's brought his cook down with him, hasn't he?" says Mr. Quincey. "Yes," I says, "and a very good cook too," which was the truth. "I'd like just to speak a few words with her," says Miss Bulstrode. "Sorry, m'am," I says, "but she's out at present; she's gone to Wycombe."

"It does explain several things," said Mr. Flexen dryly. "We know now why she was so hard to find why there was no trace of her relations with Lord Loudwater, no trace of Shepherd's managing the Low Wycombe property among his papers, why there were no pass-books." Mr. Carrington flushed and said: "The young scoundrel had us on toast all the while." "Toast is the word," said Mr. Flexen.

By the time he was got into his burrow came the soldiers in, being a party of the county troop, commanded by Matthew Archdale of Wycombe.