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"Davy Jones forr you, you bloomin' tattletile, as the Tommies would say," Archer observed in reminiscence of his vast and varied acquaintanceship. "Come on now, we've got to join our regiment and blow up a few hospitals. How do you like being a botch, anyway?" "I'd rather be one now than a year from now," said Tom. "Thou neverr spakst a truerr worrd.

"I will be needin' an assistant sh'u'd th' prisidint promulgate any more worrds like thim," said Flannery; "and I w'u'd recommind he be Corbett or Sullivan or wan of th' other sluggers, for th' patrons av th' company be not all easy-goin' like Mr. Warold. But progress is th' worrd of th' day, and I stand for shorter worrds, no matter how much extry worrk they mek.

Run along to your old room, now, Angus, and shift into some dry clothes, if you expect to finish the voyage." "I'll gie ye ma worrd I'll desert in th' discharrgin' port!" Mr. MacLean burred furiously. "Ye hae me noo, body an' bones " "Aye, and we'll keep you, Angus. Have no fear of that. And you'll not desert in the discharging port. I'll see to that," Matt Peasley assured him.

Where is she? "`In the corner there, returns the old hag, removing her dirty little black dhudeen of a pipe for a minnit from between her teeth, in order to spake the bether. `She's a-sottin' in that cheir there, as she hav' been since the mornin', widout sayin' a worrd to mortial saol afther she tould us to sind for the docther.

I'd 'a' broke the snow-shovel over the scandalous back av him if I'd heerd a worrd av it. He's aff to-day sparkin' the girls in the block beyant, but I'll wait for him to-night. Thank ye, sorr, for not tellin' Mac. It's his own poor sister's boy, an' like his own that was tuk from us at Apache, but Mac would kill him before he'd have him trainin' wid them Dutchmen and daygoes."

"You boys," he says reproachfully, "are an aggravate altogether. Here you are, jumping at your conclusions again! After all I have been telling you! See! That worrd in the address should no' be Haslemere at all. It's just a catch! It's Hazebroucke a Gairman city that we'll be capturing this time next year.

"She went away two days after the funeral, an' not a worrd of her since." "But she's at some relative's?" said Keith, seeking information at the same time he gave it. "No, sir; not a relative in the world she has, except Mr. Wentworth in New York, and she has not been there."

Simultaneously it careened with the impact of a heavy bulk landing upon the step and falling in a heap on the deck. "My worrd, what's that?" came from aloft. Maitland was altogether too startled to speak. The heap sat up, resolving itself into the semblance of a man; who spoke in decisive tones: "If yeh're goin' there, I'm goin' with yeh, 'r yeh don't go see?"

"'Tis not that wan I was thinkin' of," said Flannery, "but that wan will do. 'Tis a high-soundin' worrd, deceased." He dipped his pen in the ink again. " cat is diseased," he wrote. "Pleas give disposal. Mike Flannery." When the New York office of the Interurban Express Company received Flannery's letter they called up Hibbert & Jones on the telephone.

He had forgotten to bring the receipt book, and Flannery drew a pad of blank receipts toward himself, and dipped a pen into the ink. Then he looked at the address. "'Pho-e-nix," he read slowly. "That do be a queer sort av a worrd, Mr. Warold. 'Pho-e-nix! Is it a man's name, I dunno?" "Feenix," pronounced Mr. Warold, grinning.