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Updated: August 16, 2024

There was nobody in the best parlor, and he turned toward the sitting-room, but there sat smiling Mrs. French. "Where is the gal?" blew the captain. "Here I be, sir," said Mrs. French, with a flushed and beaming face. "I thought 't was full time to put you out of your misery." "What's all this mean? Whoo! whoo!"

Down came the gale with a whoo, and made all crack. The ship lay over pretty much, and the sea poured in at Mr. Grey's port. He applied his purchase to close it. But though his tackle gave him the force of a dozen hands, he might as well have tried to move a mountain; on the contrary, the tremendous sea rushed in and burst the port wide open.

This the fowls presently discovered, and the three wise cocks were sent to tell the owl to go away, as it was no longer of use to anybody, for it never caught mice but only ate eggs. "'Whoo hoo! whoo hoo!

Fred's friend, the night-jar, was out, and the nightingale in full call, while every now and then his sweet song was interrupted by the harsh "Tu whoo hoo hoo oo," of an owl somewhere in the recesses of the wood. Then the return home was made, and soon after the lads were asleep and dreaming of their botanical trip to the Camp Hill.

She thought she heard some one talking. "To whit! to whoo!" It was only the call of a friendly owl. Yet the night seemed curiously lonely. It was strange to be asleep on the water instead of on the land! There was another weird sound, then something stirred outside on the deck of the boat. From her cabin window Madge could see the line of the shore. It was quiet and empty.

"It's okay, Corporal. I'm in danger of becoming a Kin, not being poisoned. But if it'd make you feel better, you can taste it before I have any." "I'll do that, sir." Nkomo took a deep drink, then handed the mug to Thompson, shaking his head. "Whoo! That's beer?" "It certainly is," the Count said with obvious amusement. "Rather potent beer, I might add, though it is also quite smooth.

"'Mice here! Mice here! Whoo hoo! it shrieked. "On hearing this the cocks nudged one another, and said, 'We are in luck's way at last. Then as the owl still continued to call for mice, one of them plucked up courage and addressed it: 'If you will only come with us, sir, you shall have as many mice as you can eat a whole house-full, if you like.

Hope they salvaged some of the stuff." "What in time are you trying to do on the river, anyhow?" demanded Curly. "There's simpler ways of committing suicide." The young man laughed. "Oh, we're some more fools trying to get from Green River to Needles!" "On a bet?" asked Mack. "Hardly! On a job! Geological Survey! Four of us! There they come! Whoo ee!"

And last night I went into the barn, and hid my face in the straw; and there, as I lay and shivered in the straw, I heard a voice above my head singing out "To whit, to whoo!" and then up I starts, and runs into the house, and falls over my brother Denis, as he lies at the fire. "What's that for?" says he. "Get up, you thief!" says I, "and be helping me.

For a moment it would die away, and the traveller would begin to delude himself into the belief that, exhausted with its previous fury, it had quietly laid itself down to rest, when, whoo! he could hear it growling and whistling in the distance, and on it would come rushing over the hill-tops, and sweeping along the plain, gathering sound and strength as it drew nearer, until it dashed with a heavy gust against horse and man, driving the sharp rain into their ears, and its cold damp breath into their very bones; and past them it would scour, far, far away, with a stunning roar, as if in ridicule of their weakness, and triumphant in the consciousness of its own strength and power.

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