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He was whittling a pine stick, which he held pointing down between his spread knees, and conversing animatedly with a young fellow occupying another chair at his side. "And there comes one of 'em now," declaimed the old man dramatically. Orde nodded briefly to the stranger, and came at once to business. "I want to talk this matter over with you," he began. "We aren't making much progress.

Cutting and competition have gone on till there is nothing left to cut, or no weapon left that is sharp enough to cut finer. The results of all this has been the whittling away of a good many old-fashioned shops and traders; but they are not all gone, and some long established businesses still survive and prosper in our midst. I will just mention one or two.

"Nay, 'tis simple matter!" says I, whittling away but very conscious of her watchful eyes: "I have outworn many a weary hour carving things with my knife. Given time and patience a man may make anything." "Some men!" says she, whereat I grew foolishly pleased with myself. And because she took such pleasure in it, now and hereafter, I append here a rough drawing of it.

It is absurd to go on writing in these days for a normal-sighted public. The growing tenseness of life, with its small print, its newspapers read by artificial light, and its flickering motion pictures, is whittling down the section of the populace which has perfect sight to a mere handful. I seem to see that romance. In fact, I think I shall write it myself.

"No, I won't, either," William returned, crossly. "Ain' my teef," said Genesis. "Break 'em, you want to!" The attention of Mr. Genesis did not seem to be attracted to the speakers; he continued his whittling in a craftsman-like manner, which brought praise from Jane. "You can see to whittle, Mr. Genesis," she said. "You whittle better than anybody in the world." "I speck so, mebbe," Mr.

No man needs to come to my shop and go away again, while the breath of life is left in me. And I don't do it, either, by sitting on a bench and whittling a stick." "That's so. That's so," said Sandy, chuckling, in the admiring tone of one who intimated that, when the boss spoke, wisdom was uttered. "That's one on you, Sam."

"That's all stale news!" cried Miss Prunty, jumping up. They walked out on to the terrace. The girl was not there, but by the gate into the olive-yard, where there was a lean-to shed for tools, they found her sitting on a cask, whittling a piece of wood and talking to a curly-headed little contadino. Hearing steps, Goneril turned round. "He was asleep," she said.

So Timothy Toad hopped along the path until he met Gerty Gartersnake. "Willie Woodchuck is whittling because he has nothing better to do!" said Timothy Toad. "I will go down that way and see him!" said Gerty Gartersnake, and she started down the path. So Timothy Toad hopped down the path until he met Wallie Woodpecker.

But I wanted a fire, a big one, to see as well as hear how the storm and trees were behaving. After long, patient groping I found a little dry punk in a hollow trunk and carefully stored it beside my matchbox and an inch or two of candle in an inside pocket that the rain had not yet reached; then, wiping some dead twigs and whittling them into thin shavings, stored them with the punk.

It is wise that our schools are going back to old fashioned ways, and saying that girls must be taught to sew. Boys should practice their hands upon the knife. John Bull used to laugh at Brother Jonathan for whittling, and Mr.