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Inquire at Abijah Thompson's. You see," he added, his eye twinkling ever so little, "'Bije Thompson lives in the last house in the village, two mile or more over to the west'ard." "He does! Then why in the world did you tell people to inquire there?" "Oh, if I didn't they'd be botherin' you, probably, and I didn't want 'em doin' that.

No! they ain't no worse made. Looks as if 'twas breakin' a little over to west'ard, fur's that goes. But how in the nation we'll ever fetch East Wellmouth, I don't know. Git dap! GIT DAP! Have you growed fast?" General Jackson pulled one foot after the other from the mud and the wagon rocked and floundered as its pilot steered it past the fallen trees. For the next twenty minutes no one spoke.

'She is in stays, for the larboard tack. I can see what she's been doing. She's been re'ching close in to avoid the flood tide, as the wind is to the sou'-west, and she's bound down; but as soon as the ebb made, d'ye see, they made sail to the west'ard. Captain Hardy may be depended upon for that; he knows every current about here, being a native.

"I shall stay on board here with two men as guards, and you shall start with three boats to-morrow morning." There was another tremendous cheer at this, and then Dellow threw a wet blanket over all. "I dunno," he said slowly: "I don't think it will be to-morrow, for there's some weather about. Look at that lightning playing away to the west'ard."

If it weren't for poor Jackson, who, O'Neil told me just now, was in a bad way, I think we'd got out of the scrape pretty well, for the old barquey is comfortable enough now, and, though there's a heavy sea running and it is still blowing stiff from the north'ard and the west'ard, the sky is clearer than it was, and I fancy we've seen the worst of the gale, eh?"

The Sergeant, candle in hand, stepped to the casement, which the Commandant, following his custom, had opened a little way before getting into bed. "Lord knows where she be by this time, if St. Ann's pilots ha'n't found her. The gun sounded from west'ard, down by the Monk." "Fog, is it?" asked the Commandant, staring about him and remembering.

I don't know, though, as we haven't seen enough of it already. It don't look very promisin' to me." The captain rose from the table and, walking to the window, pushed aside the shade. "It'll look better tomorrow today, I should say," he observed. "The storm's about over, and the wind's hauled to the west'ard. We'll have a spell of fair weather now, I guess. That property of yours, Mrs.

Macann such a tearing hot candidate was his having been born at Trudgian, a mile out of town here to the west'ard. The Macanns had farmed Trudgian, for maybe a hundred years, having come over from Ireland to start with: a poor, hand-to-mouth lot, respected for nothing but their haveage, which was understood to be something out of the common.

"There's a smell o' smoke!" insisted David. "The wind's from the west'ard, and the smoke comes from over the mesh. There's a fire somewheres over there." "Your nose is keener than mine," said Doctor Joe hopefully. "Go ahead, Davy. We'll see if you really smell smoke."

She must be within a radius of from twenty to thirty miles of our present bearings on the chart, somewhere here away to the eastwards, sir; and if we make a long leg to leeward and then bear up to the north'ard and west'ard again, we'll overhaul her I'm sure of it yes, sure of it, in no time. Look, colonel, look how we're going now.