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"I'm off in a few minutes breakfast's ready. Wally's going into Cunjee with a telegram to Melbourne for the black trackers, as hard as he can ride." "Jim there's something you know!" He hesitated. "I'd better tell you," he said. "Monarch's come home alone, Norah!" The creek went down with a broken song, 'Neath the she oaks high; The waters carried the song along, And the oaks a sigh.

"His sploven." "Sploven! Is that a locality or a beverage?" Glass glowered at the cause of the interruption. "It's a nerve- centre, of course!" Then to the others, he ran on, glibly: "The treatment was simple, but it took time. You see, I had to first trace his bedildo to its source, like this." He thrust a finger into Wally's back and ploughed a furrow upward. "You see?" He paused, triumphantly.

They had had it all fixed for him to go into his father's date business." Mr Goble was impressed. He had a respect for Wally's opinion, for Wally had written "Follow the Girl" and look what a knock-out that had been. He stopped the rehearsal again. "Go back to that Khayyam speech!" he said, interrupting Lord Finchley in mid-sentence. The actor whispered a hearty English oath beneath his breath.

"And that's how you nearly killed yourself." They came in sight of Wally's heap of loot, and she stopped in amazement. "Bob just look!" "By Jupiter!" said Bob, "you saved my old box! You old brick. How did you manage it? Why, it weighs a ton!" Tommy was on her knees by the bundles. "Look!" she said. "Look, Bobby! My silver things and all Aunt Margaret's, and my little jewel box. And my clothes!

Billy had the horses ready under the shade of a huge pepper-tree; even there the flies were bad enough to set Monarch and Bobs fretting with irritation, while the two stock horses lashed unceasingly with their tails and stamped in the dust. Nan was a long, handsome brown mare, with two white feet an old friend of Wally's, who came and patted her and let her rub her worried head against his coat.

"Not he; Mr. Wally's no fool," said Boone. "Git up, y' ol' sardine!" He kicked the horse he was leading, and they trotted up to Norah and Tommy. Shannon, standing with drooping head, showed little interest as Wally flung the saddle on his back.

Then Wally's lips tightened, for he saw a homestead that he knew must be Maclennan's, the most prosperous farmer about; and Maclennan had strong views on the subject of inflammable fences in a country so liable to grass fires, and all his property was wire-fenced.

But he was a stock horse first and a hurdle racer as an afterthought; and a good stock horse knows his rider's mind, if that rider is a good man. He made one tentative movement towards his paddock mates, now moving away towards the gate; then, feeling the touch of Wally's hand on the bit, and the light pressure of his knee, he decided that some new game was on foot, and cantered easily away.

"I'm off to the war to the war I must go, To fight for my country and you, dear; But if I should fall, in vain I would call The blessing of my country and you, dear " All their eyes were wet then, even Wally's moved by the sadness of his own song. Aunt Patty, Aunt Cordelia and Helen wiped their tears away unashamed, but Mary tried to hide hers.

"Look here!" she said, shortly. "If you wanted us for receiving stolen goods, you wouldn't come around here with a warrant for Wally's arrest as a suspicious character, an' you wouldn't have worked that Brunell plant. What's your lay?" "Information," responded Morrow, frankly. "The police don't know where the plate was, for those ten days, and there's no immediate need that they should.