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Updated: August 9, 2024

It was really remarkable the trips and voyages that boy took not only to the town, and Apgar's Woods, and the Leaning Mill on Wally's Creek, but to the South Seas, The Cave of the Winds, the Ole Man in the Moon, the Fields of Golden Stars, and to all sorts of beautiful cities and kingdoms, some of which you may find in your geographies, and some not on any map in the world.

Here, at last, was the secret of Wally's boasted skill in partridge hunting with a rifle.

Up, up, till his nose was at Shannon's quarter at his girth at his shoulder, and the winning-post was very near. Then suddenly Billy lifted his whip and brought it down once, and Shannon shot forward with a last wild bound. Murty's hat went up in the air and Wally's with it. "He's done it!" Murty babbled. "Yerra, what about Billabong now?"

Occasionally when he rolled to the door, Wally's car was already there, for Wally after an absence was again coming around, pale and in need of sympathy, singing his tenor songs to Helen's accompaniment and with greater power of pathos than ever, especially when he sang the sad ones at Mary's head

When he saw his arch enemy Hogg among the competitors his resentment was keen, and Wally was told off to restrain him from flight. Wally's own idea was to tie him up by the pigtail, but this Jim was prudent enough to forbid. Hogg was, as Jim put it, rooting amongst the roses, and grunted freely on his way to the post.

Mr Goble cocked his cigar at a fierce angle, and glared at Wally. Something told him that Wally's sympathies were not wholly with him. "They can't do this sort of thing to me," he growled. "Well, they are doing it to someone, aren't they," said Wally, "and, if it's not you, who is it?" "I've a damned good mind to fire them all!" "A corking idea!

Finally, Norah cut the cake with great ceremony, and Wally's proposal that everyone should retire to the lawn with a "chunk" was carried unanimously. Out on the grass they lay and chattered, while the dusk came down, and slowly a pale moon climbed up into the sky. Norah alone was silent. After a while Harry and Wally declared they must go and pack, and Jim and his sister were left alone.

About this time, poor Peters, envying the happiness of all around him, and still pining for his Petrina, or Peggy, as he called her himself, begged of the governor the use of the Dido, in order that he might make a voyage to Wally's group in quest of his lost companion.

But it doesn't seem to make any difference to the man. He can go right on doing the big things the great things " She stopped, arrested by the sound of a mandolin under her window. The next moment the strains of Wally's tenor entered the room, mingled with the moonlight and the scent of the syringa bush. A murmuring, deep-toned trio accompanied him.

But Wally's hand was firm, and he spoke sharply so that the chestnut repented of the error of his ways, and plunged obediently downwards. The bank gave under them, and they slithered down among its remnants and landed in the water with a profound splash, almost hidden for a moment by the spray that drenched Wally's thin silk coat and shirt.

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