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Beebe's funny way, when you never quite know what he means. He said: 'Mr. Vyse is an ideal bachelor. I was very cute, I asked him what he meant. He said 'Oh, he's like me better detached. I couldn't make him say any more, but it set me thinking. Since Cecil has come after Lucy he hasn't been so pleasant, at least I can't explain." "You never can, dear. But I can.

I swear to you it wasn't that I clean forgot it. And one day when I came home it was gone: you'd sent and taken it. And I've always thought since you might have owed me a grudge and not unjustly; so this ... this business of the letters ... the sympathy you've shown ... for I suppose it is sympathy ... ?" Vyse startled and checked him by a queer crackling laugh.

"But they're sharper nor I thought for. No knowing what they'd ha' told. And when Johnny Vyse came by and told o' the fair, and the Signor sure to be ready to take 'em and pay straight for 'em, I see'd no use in running my head into a noose by taking 'em back and getting took myself for my pains. I've had enough o' that sort o' thing, as you might know."

"You ought to find a tenant at once," he said maliciously. "It would be a perfect paradise for a bank clerk." "Exactly!" said Sir Harry excitedly. "That is exactly what I fear, Mr. Vyse. It will attract the wrong type of people. The train service has improved a fatal improvement, to my mind. And what are five miles from a station in these days of bicycles?"

"If I've struck the note I won't bother you again," he urged; and Betton groaningly consented. "My dear fellow, they're beautiful too beautiful. I'll be let in for a correspondence with every one of these people." Vyse, at this, meditated for a while above a blank sheet. "All right how's this?" he said, after another interval of rapid writing. Betton glanced over the page. "By George by George!

Vyse now fell due; the tenants moved into Cissie Villa while she was safe in the London flat. "Cecil Cecil darling," she whispered the evening she arrived, and crept into his arms. Cecil, too, became demonstrative. He saw that the needful fire had been kindled in Lucy. At last she longed for attention, as a woman should, and looked up to him because he was a man.

The circumstance to which I allude is ascertained by two letters, one to Mr. Langton, and another to the Reverend Dr. Vyse, rector of Lambeth, son of the respectable clergyman at Lichfield, who was contemporary with Johnson, and in whose father's family Johnson had the happiness of being kindly received in his early years.

In advertising for one I never imagined I didn't aspire to any one above the ordinary hack." "I'm the ordinary hack," said Vyse drily. Betton's affable gesture protested. "My dear fellow . You see it's not business what I'm in now," he continued with a laugh.

Vyse paced up and down the drawing-room, discussing her little party with her son. Mrs. Vyse was a nice woman, but her personality, like many another's, had been swamped by London, for it needs a strong head to live among many people.

Vyse, it was to appear, did carry a deadly secret; but one less perilous to society than to himself. He was simply poor inexcusably, irremediably poor. Everything failed him, had always failed him: whatever he put his hand to went to bits.