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That she, Clara Vance, should be the arbiter in a princely alliance! At last she managed to ask whether Miss Dunbar had given him any encouragement on which to found his claim. "Ah, Fraulein Vance!" he cried, laughing. "The hare does not call to the hounds! But I have no fear. She speaks to me in other ways than by words. "'Mein Herz und seine Augen Verstehen sich gar so gut!

You will receive your orders and instructions only from me. You will report only to me direct. On no account will you see any subordinate or any person, no matter what his official status, without my expressed permission. Verstehen sie?" "Yes, sir." "For funds," he continued, "you will apply to my secretary. Of your expenses you will furnish a monthly account.

'Wir sind gewohnt das die Menschen verhoehnen was sie nicht verstehen. Goethe is always pithy." The Episode of the Barrel The police had brought a cab with them, and in this I escorted Miss Morstan back to her home.

"Now, August," she said very calmly, "I want you to tell me-ich wunsche Sie zu mir sagen what other lady wass andere Dame these flowers belonged to diese Blumen gehorte zu. Verstehen Sie?"

"Now, August," she said very calmly, "I want you to tell me-ich wunsche Sie zu mir sagen what other lady wass andere Dame these flowers belonged to diese Blumen gehorte zu. Verstehen Sie?"

Sitzen Sie sich. Verstehen Sie?" They understood, and showed that they did by obeying, though if looks could kill Frank would have been blasted by the venomous glance that the German leader shot at him. Only then did Frank permit himself to relax. He lowered his rifle with a sense of relief. "We've got them corralled now," he remarked to his comrades.

On Sunday the 11th January 1829, he was engaged in composing a lecture which was to be delivered on the following Wednesday, and had just come to the significant words "Das ganz vollendete und voll-kommene Verstehen selbst, aber" "The perfect and complete understanding of things, however" when the mortal palsy suddenly seized his hand, and before one o'clock on the same night he had ceased to philosophize.

'Mein Gott! cried the German soldier of fortune, for it was the same man whom my companion had pointed out in the morning, 'I thought it was you, Saxon, when I saw you by the gate, though you are even thinner than of old. How a man could suck up so much good Bavarian beer as you have done, and yet make so little flesh upon it, is more than I can verstehen. How have all things gone with you?

Her trunks have gone on to Luxor where those friends are, and we have to find some presentable wraps for her and get her to the first train. Verstehen?" "Grasped and forgotten," said his friend laconically. Just for an instant his sleepy gaze touched Billy's rugged face, then fell casually away. "I suppose any comments that occur to me are superfluous?" he pleasantly observed.

Wenn haber man kann nicht meinem Rede Verstehen, so werde ich ihm später dasselbe uebersetz, wenn er solche Dienst verlangen wollen haben werden sollen sein hätte.