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"Cujus vita fulgur, ejus verba tonitrua" "if a man's life be lightning, his words will be thunders." But the kind of oratory to be obtained by a constant practice of declamation such as that which occupied the schools of the Rhetors will be a very artificial lightning and a very imitated thunder not the artillery of heaven, but the Chinese fire and rolled bladders of the stage.

But immediately on Salisbury's death he began, May 29th, a letter in which he said that he had never yet been able to show his affection to the King, "having been as a hawk tied to another's fist;" and if, "as was said to one that spake great words, Amice, verba tua desiderant civitatem, your Majesty say to me, Bacon, your words require a place to speak them," yet that "place or not place" was with the King.

Braidwood informed him they could. Upon which Dr. Johnson wrote one of his sesquipedalia verba , which was pronounced by the scholars, and he was satisfied. My readers may perhaps wish to know what the word was; but I cannot gratify their curiosity. Mr. Braidwood told me, it remained long in his school, but had been lost before I made my inquiry . Dr.

I know it is said, in Justification of this hollow kind of Conversation, that there is no Harm, no real Deceit in Compliment, but the Matter is well enough, so long as we understand one another; et Verba valent ut Nummi: Words are like Money; and when the current Value of them is generally understood, no Man is cheated by them.

The way to cultivate the perfect hope which alone corresponds to the gift of God is 'girding up the loins of your mind, and being sober. Of course, there is here one of the very few reminiscences that we have in the Epistles of the ipsissima verba of our Lord.

The presiding spirit of the paper had the gift, at any rate, of knowing what the people for whom he catered would like to read, and how to get his subjects handled so that the reading should be pleasant. The 'Evening Pulpit' was much given to politics, but held strictly to the motto which it had assumed; Nullius addictus jurare in verba magistri

I involuntarily think of this good nurse when I hear all social evils explained by these common phrases: "It is the superabundance of products, the tyranny of capital, industrial plethora," and other idle stories of which we cannot even say: verba et voces prætereaque nihil: for they are also fatal mistakes. From what precedes, two things result 1st.

In speaking of the value of words, he says, "Sed considerare debemus quod verba habent maximam potestatem, et omnia miracula facta a principio mundi fere facta sunt per verba. Et opus animae rationalis praecipuum est verbum, et in quo maxime delectatur."

We label him with two or three sesquipedalia verba, give his territorial range, describe his notes and his habits of nidification, and fancy we have rendered an account of the bird. But how should we like to be inventoried in such a style? "His name was John Smith; he lived in Boston, in a three-story brick house; he had a baritone voice, but was not a good singer."

'Telephus et Peleus, cum pauper et exul uterque, Projicit ampullas et sesquipedalia verba." 'Heroes and kings, in exile forced to roam. Leave swelling phrase and seven-leagued words at home."