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Pithecia Satanas, beard of; resemblance of, to a negro. Pits, suborbital, of Ruminants. Pittidae, nidification of. Placentata. Plagiostomous fishes. Plain-wanderer, Australian. Planariae, bright colours of some. Plantain-eaters, colours and nidification of the; both sexes of, equally brilliant.

After the work of nidification is over, birds as a rule wander more or less from their breeding haunts; and even if they do not wander they are likely to become silent. If we miss them, therefore, we are not to conclude as a matter of course that they have gone south. Last year, during the early part of the season, cuckoos were unusually plentiful, as it seemed to me.

Birds continued. Discussion as to why the males alone of some species, and both sexes of others, are brightly coloured On sexually-limited inheritance, as applied to various structures and to brightly-coloured plumage Nidification in relation to colour Loss of nuptial plumage during the winter.

Diamond-beetles, bright colours of. Diastema, occurrence of, in man. Diastylidae, proportion of the sexes in. Dicrurus, racket-shaped feathers in; nidification of. Dicrurus macrocercus, change of plumage in. Didelphis opossum, sexual difference in the colour of. Differences, comparative, between different species of birds of the same sex.

Strangely enough, our American cuckoos are not given to such slovenly habits, but build their own nests and faithfully perform the duties of nidification, as all respectable feathered folk should. However, this parasitical habit breaks out, quite unexpectedly, it must be conceded, in another American family of birds entirely distinct from the cuckoo group.

In its general manner of feeding, of quickly hopping out of the thickets and back again, in its desire of concealment, unwillingness to take flight, and nidification, it bears a close resemblance to the Turco; but its appearance is not quite so ridiculous.

Goureaux, on the stridulation of Mutilla europaea. Gout, sexually transmitted. Graba, on the Pied Ravens of the Feroe Islands; variety of the Guillemot. Gradation of secondary sexual characters in birds. Grallatores, absence of secondary sexual characters in; double moult in some. Grallina, nidification of. Grasshoppers, stridulation of the.

Pigeons, nestling, fed by the secretion of the crop of both parents; changes of plumage in; transmission of sexual peculiarities in; Belgian, with black-streaked males; changing colour after several moultings; numerical proportion of the sexes in; cooing of; variations in plumage of; display of plumage by male; local memory of; antipathy of female, to certain males; pairing of; profligate male and female; wing-bars and tail-feathers of; supposititious breed of; pouter and carrier, peculiarities of, predominant in males; nidification of; Australian; immature plumage of the.

But if, somewhere in that vast hall, there were a few preparations, exemplifying the leading structural peculiarities and the mode of development of a common fowl; if the types of the genera, the leading modifications in the skeleton, in the plumage at various ages, in the mode of nidification, and the like, among birds, were displayed; and if the other specimens were put away in a place where the men of science, to whom they are alone useful, could have free access to them, I can conceive that this collection might become a great instrument of scientific education.

Coloration, protective, in birds. Colour, supposed to be dependent on light and heat; correlation of, with immunity from certain poisons and parasites; purpose of, in lepidoptera; relation of, to sexual functions, in fishes; difference of, in the sexes of snakes; sexual differences of, in lizards; influence of, in the pairing of birds of different species; relation of, to nidification; sexual differences of, in mammals; recognition of, by quadrupeds; of children, in different races of man; of the skin in man.