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Updated: August 19, 2024

'Ventre Saint-Gris! exclaimed the King, 'he is the very demon of the piece, who carved your face, stole your wife, and had nearly shot your daughter. 'The more need of his repentance, Sire, and without a priest he will not try to repent. I have promised him one. 'A bold promise! said Henry. 'Have you thought how our good friends here are likely to receive a priest of Baal into the camp?

"Ventre de biche, sire, this ambition for things within the reach of your hand resembles much that of Cæsar Borgia, who gathered together a kingdom, city by city; saying that Italy was an artichoke to be eaten leaf by leaf." "This Cæsar Borgia was not a bad politician, it seems to me, compere." "No, but he was a very dangerous neighbor and a bad brother."

With these and a good coffee-house and a playhouse, I think I could make shift to lead a simple pastoral life for some months. 'In the country, said I, laughing, 'we have ever the feeling that the true life of mankind, with the growth of knowledge and wisdom, are being wrought out in the towns. 'Ventre Saint-Gris! It was little knowledge or wisdom that I acquired there, he answered.

The French, in spite of the theory propounded by one of their most distinguished philosophers, Descartes, that the soul is located in the pineal gland, still insist in using the term ventre in a sense, which, if anatomically too vague, is nevertheless physiologically significant. Similarly entrailles stands in their language for affection and compassion.

"Ventre de biche!" said Chicot, "Henri, if he were here, would be nicely frightened; but, luckily, I am less timid. Come, Chicot, my friend, good night and sleep well." Then Chicot pushed the inside bolt, made himself as comfortable as he could, and shut his eyes.

"Be so good as to give us no more of those melodramatic acts!" said M. le Marquis contemptuously. "You are too fond of trafficking in those showy fooleries. You bribe your comrades for their favoritism too openly. Ventre bleu! I forbid it do you hear?" "I hear, mon Colonel." The assent was perfectly tranquil and respectful.

"Ventre de biche!" said Chicot; "he is a universal lover. But to return to Mlle. Dayelle; I knew her family." "She was jealous and was always threatening; she had a pretty little poniard, which she used to keep on her work-table, and one day, the king went away and carried the poniard with him, saying that he did not wish any misfortune to happen to his successor." "And Mlle. de Rebours?"

Pepe threw himself suddenly a plat ventre, in fear that he might be seen by those on the water; but from the elevated position which he occupied, he was able to keep his eye upon the boat without losing sight of it for a single instant. Just then the noises ceased, and the oars were held out of water, motionless, like some sea-bird, with wings extended, choosing a spot upon which to alight.

"A man who looks to me half courtier, half soldier." Chicot heard these words, and advanced. "It is I, sire." "What! M. Chicot in Navarre! Ventre St. Gris! welcome, dear M. Chicot!" "A thousand thanks, sire." "Quite well? Ah, parbleu! we will drink together, I am quite delighted. Chicot, sit down there." And he pointed to a grass bank. "Oh no, sire!"

"Sire!" murmured Chicot, who, carried away by an impulse, tried to raise his head, and knocked it against the stone wall. Meanwhile the happy lover profited by the permission given, and seated himself in the litter. "Oh! how happy I am," he cried, without attending in the least to the impatience of his friend "ventre St. Gris, this is a good day.

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