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Updated: August 21, 2024

Whatever suspicious circumstances might or might not have attended the death of Lord Vargrave, certain it is that no evidence confirmed and no popular rumour circulated them.

It was the same to her what hand delivered Evelyn and herself from the designs of Vargrave; but Vargrave occupied nearly all her thoughts. The newspapers had reported him as seriously ill, at one time in great danger. He was now recovering, but still unable to quit his room.

Perhaps you may be the more induced to the sale from the circumstance of having an example in the head of your family, Colonel Maltravers, as I learn through Lord Vargrave, having resolved to dispose of Lisle Court. Waiting your answer, I am, dear Sir, truly yours,

And, indeed, to a mind so sensitively delicate and honourable, it is no easy task." "Shall I write to Lord Vargrave?" "Let us think of it. In the meanwhile, this Mr. Maltravers " "Ah, this Mr. Maltravers!" "The child shows us more of her heart than she thinks of; and yet I myself am puzzled.

But on this he felt but little interest. He knew enough to believe that no further information could benefit himself personally; why should he trouble his head with what never would fill his pockets? An audible yawn from the slim secretary roused Lord Vargrave from his revery. "I envy you, my young friend," said he, good-humouredly. "It is a pleasure we lose as we grow older, that of being sleepy.

The servant opened the gate. Mr. Robert Hobbs was at home; he had friends with him, he was engaged; Lord Vargrave sent in his card, and the introductory letter from Mr. Winsley. In two seconds, these missives brought to the gate Mr.

"MY LORD," said the curate, as Vargrave, leaning back in his chair, appeared to examine the shape of his boots, while in reality "his sidelong looks;" not "of love," were fixed upon his companion, "I need scarcely refer to the wish of the late lord, your uncle, relative to Miss Cameron and yourself; nor need I, to one of a generous spirit, add that an engagement could be only so far binding as both the parties whose happiness is concerned should be willing in proper time and season to fulfil it."

How unconscious of her beauty; how simple, and yet so naturally gifted!" "I have never seen one who interested me more," said Mrs. Merton, settling her pelerine; "she is extremely pretty." "I am so anxious about her," resumed Mrs. Leslie, thoughtfully. "You know the wish of the late Lord Vargrave that she should marry his nephew, the present lord, when she reaches the age of eighteen.

"Mine is a strange fate!" said Caroline to herself; "I am asked by the man whom I love, and who professes to love me, to bestow myself on another, and to plead for him to a younger and fairer bride. Well, I will obey him in the first; the last is a bitterer task, and I cannot perform it earnestly. Yet Vargrave has a strange power over me; and when I look round the world, I see that he is right.

Evelyn and Maltravers were left alone. "You do not remember your father, I believe?" said Maltravers. "No father but Lord Vargrave; while he lived, I never knew the loss of one." "Does your mother resemble you?" "Ah, I wish I could think so; it is the sweetest countenance!" "Have you no picture of her?" "None; she would never consent to sit."

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