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There were moments when she fought unavailingly against a mental numbness, a stupor that rolled upward and suffused her like a cloud of noxious vapors, leaving her knees weak, her hands clumsy, her vision blurred; again waves of deathly illness surged over her. Under and through it all, however, her subconscious will to conquer remained firm.

Then, when you are neglected, despised, shunned, you will regret deeply but unavailingly your rejection of my proposals." "No, my lord, I shall never regret it," replied Amabel, "and I cannot sufficiently rejoice that I did not yield to the momentary weakness that inclined me to accept them. I thank you for the insight you have afforded me into your character."

I held up my hand warningly to the men, and at the same moment gave the order, "Oars!" The men, somewhat wonderingly, instantly obeyed, staring hard at me inquiringly, while two or three who were lying down in the bottom of the boat, trying unavailingly to sleep, raised themselves upon their elbows, as though to ascertain what was the matter.

Since then I have often wondered at the grief which would have wrung those blithe young hearts if they could have known that they might have had the company of Mark Twain to Concord that day and did not. We hung about, unavailingly, in the bitter wind a while longer, and then slowly, very slowly, made our way home.

If you pardon me now I shall never repeat this neglect of you ever O beautiful, give me your pleasure again. I burn with desire. As Krishna searches unavailingly, Radha's friend lights upon him and conveys news of her love-tormented state. Armour she makes of tender lotus garlands to hide her bosom from you, Large garlands, as if to protect you from heavy showers of shafts from the god of love.

Out of all that vast ocean he had searched unavailingly: they had come to him like a message, and the awe and mystery of it bowed him down and crushed him. The captain had placed the things on the newspaper spread out by his side, and he was unrolling the little spoons from their tissue-paper covering. He counted them as if entering up the tale of some trust, and placed them on the newspaper.

The old-time range slogan, "Everybody dance!" sent three or four hurrying to find the girls they wanted. The trouble, it would appear, had ended as suddenly as it had begun and for a moment the tension relaxed. The drunken one was still cursing, struggling unavailingly to tear himself away from Lance so that he could land a blow.

Through a rift of consciousness she had seen herself talking with feverish animation to Arnswald, on some subject of vital importance, the which, however, she was unable to recall; it had gone with the night, leaving on the camera of memory only the tableau behind. For a little space she groped after it unavailingly, and then dismissed it from her.

But now that the boat had left she bitterly regretted her inaction, and grieved unavailingly over the fact that she had stopped to write the account of the disaster which befell the Caloric.

The payment of the money is no more so than to restore money held in trust. Temple and I argued the case with him, as of old on our voyage, on board the barque Priscilla, quite unavailingly. 'Is a verdict built on lies one that my Maker approves of? said he. 'If I keep possession of that money, my young friends, will it clothe me? Ay, with stings! Will it feed me? Ay, with poison.