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Updated: August 22, 2024

"As many as determines to distinguish themse'fs in the amoosement throws a two-bit piece into a hat. Most likely thar'll be forty partic'pants. They then lines up, Injun file, an' goes caperin' round the course, each in his place in the joyous procession.

He knew that Helen May had seen the doctor at noon, since she had given Peter her word that she would go, and since she never broke a promise. He would find out just what the doctor thought. When he returned from the 'phone, a fat woman wanted peroxide, and she was quite sure the bottle he offered was smaller than the last two-bit bottle she had bought.

"Me, I’ve been trailin’ round this here country since th’ moon was two-bit size. An’ I ain’t set my moccasins on all o’ it yet. Thar’s parts maybe even an Injun ain’t seed neither. You jus’ outta th’ army, son?" Drew nodded. Apparently he could not escape that part of his past, and there was no reason to deny it. "Iffen you be huntin’ a jobDon Cazar, he’s always ready to hire on wagon guards.

As a gent goes onder the rope he grabs for the gander's head; an' that party who's expert enough to bring it away in his hand, wins the hat full of two-bit pieces yeretofore deescribed. "Which, of course, no gent succeeds the first dash outen the box, as a gander's head is on some good and strong; an' many a saddle gets emptied by virchoo of the back'ard yanks a party gets.

I'll take her and you to some bum two-bit vaudeville show some night, if you'd like.... Got to show my gratitude to you for standing my general slovenliness.... Lord! nice evening dine at a rôtisserie with a newspaper for companion. Well g' night and g' luck." Una surprised her mother, when they were vivisecting the weather after dinner, by suddenly crying all over the sofa cushions.

The law is the law, and they ain't no use you talkin'." Bud's lips tightened. The marshal's reiterated reference to the law was becoming irksome. He would be decidedly impersonal henceforth. "I seen a pair of walkin' overalls once, hitched to a two-bit shirt with a chewin'-tobacco tag on it. All that held that there fella together was his suspenders.

But Johnson would n't beg for himself. Oh, no! He was too proud. It's a fact, I never knew or heard of Johnson Sides himself asking for money. But he kept his prime minister trotting around for several weeks, and he never let go the string or let the old fellow keep a two-bit piece. "But Johnson was reformed at last; and it was the power of the press that did it.

"I'll say that much for them: in France, to-day, money doesn't buy commands. Besides, I wouldn't give a lead two-bit piece for all the rank I could come by that way. I fought for my gold braid and if they've taken it away from me, I'll not buy it back." "There will be other opportunities for distinction," said Mr. Doolittle, rather feebly. "For diplomats and such cattle. Not for soldiers.

I was waiting in Dr. Percy Hailey Martingale's office for a little painless dentistry, and I took Wilfred's poem and passed him a two-bit piece, and Doc Martingale does the same, and Wilfred blew on to the next office.

Mebbe his gang is some hungry, as usual. Mebbe they want to steal a few hosses, or anythin' they can lay hands on. Mebbe they mean wuss, too. Now my idee is this, an' mebbe it's wrong. I long since separated from love with Greasers. Thet black-faced Don Carlos has got a deep game. Thet two-bit of a revolution is hevin' hard times. The rebels want American intervention.

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