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"Didn't I see you this morning at the house of Pericles?" he asked sternly. The Twins nodded. "Who sent you here?" he asked. "Nobody sent us. We're lost," cried poor Daphne. "Humph!" said the other priest. "That's a likely story." "Did you hear what we were talking about?" asked Lampon. He took Dion by the shoulder, and as he did not answer at once, shook him. "Come, yes or no," he said.

Little laxities of behaviour arid phrase upon which their mother's presence would be no check, they did not venture to allow themselves when with Emily; her only reproof was a steady gaze, eloquent of gentleness, but it proved quite sufficient. The twins were in truth submitting to the force of character.

Perkins began to walk home from church with her and come to tea on Sunday evening, and it was soon noised about that they were keeping steady company. Martha went to Marblehead that summer and one of the twins died. In the fall Priscilla was married and went to housekeeping in King Street, over her husband's place of business.

When Menie went out to feed the dogs, he saw a flock of ravens flying north, and Koko saw some sea-birds on the same day. Two days after that, when the twins and Koko were all three playing together on the Big Rock, they saw a huge iceberg float lazily by. It had broken away from a glacier, farther north, and was drifting slowly toward the Southern Sea.

"I do not understand you," said the mother of the twins, coldly. "Were you addressing me?" "I was," returned Mrs. Carr, to Dick's manifest delight. "I desire to know why you have come to my house, uninvited, and made all this disturbance." "The idea!" exclaimed the woman, trembling with anger. "Will you please send for Mr. Judson?" "Mr. Judson," said Dorothy, icily, "has been dead for some time.

I am very warm." "Yais-sah," said Dinah, taking his cup. Then followed a confusion of talk, the two sets of twins doing the most. They were joyfully excited at the idea of going to Meadow Brook farm. "I'm going to turn somersaults in the grass just like this," cried Freddie, rolling over and over on the floor.

The smaller twins were delighted. "And maybe we can find our silver cup, too," suggested Freddie, as they trudged along in the snow, now and then stopping to make a white ball, which he threw at the fence or telegraph pole. "The fat lady has our cup I'm sure of that," said Flossie. "Well, we can ask papa if he has heard from the circus people," suggested Nan. Mr.

The last mile was covered in record-breaking time, and before the cuckoo clock struck seven the children and goats and dog all came galloping into the yard together. The next day, and the day after that, the same lesson was repeated. The Twins went away with Fritz in the early morning and stayed all day long with the goats and came home with him in the sunset glow.

Wohlgemuth meaning: There is nothing wrong." He looked up at Mr. Hankins. "Now there's the kind of cablegram to send even on baby business. Those four code words translated mean: No new arrivals; heavy arrivals expected shortly; is now in dry dock; there is nothing wrong. Literally translated it means: Baby not born yet; twins expected shortly; your wife now in hospital; everything lovely!

That very night we went to the Hippodrome, where we met many old acquaintances. My own Artillery Twins were there, and kissed their hands to me as they flew gracefully over our heads towards the desired trapeze. Here, also, was the Tattooed Man, and I grasped his variegated and decorative hand with an emotion I have rarely felt.