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'Bien Darkman's then, Bouse Mort and Ken, The bien Coves bings awast, On Chates to trine by Rome Coves dine For his long lib at last. Conversation followed; not in the thieves' dialect of the song, for that was only used in talk when unfriendly ears might be listening.

But quite as decidedly old Trine stalked over to Pussy, at these words, lifted her up, placed her firmly on a chair, while she pulled off the boot that was half on; but said, in a pacifying tone, to the kicking and excited child, "That is all right! that is all right! but I will take care of you first. You must not get two pair of shoes and two pair of stockings wet through in one day.

"Trine, dear," said she coaxingly, "come and give me the water-spout. Battiste won't let us have it. You'll get it for us, won't you?" "Of course I will," said the maid, "a little water you might be allowed, I'm sure. But you must wait till the old bear is out of the way; and then I'll go and get you what you want."

"Then I don't know where the spout is." "But, Battiste, I only want a little water from the spring; why can't I have just that?" "I know that kind of a little bird," said Battiste, grumblingly, "now a little water, and now a little fire, and always mischief. Can't have it. Can't give it to you." "Oh well, I don't care," said Lili, and went straight to the kitchen, where Trine was scouring pans.

The water was now so deep that the children could not get out without danger, and they became dreadfully frightened, and began to cry out as loud as they could, "We are drowning! Mamma! Battiste! Trine! We are drowning!" Then they no longer used any words, but simply screamed, quite beside themselves with terror.

The doctor was well pleased with the rapidity of the cure, and said to the colonel, whom he met on the threshold one day, "Every thing has worked wonderfully well. Your wife can have her Trine back again; and tell her she was worth her weight in gold. I only wish there were some one to stay with Andrew for a little while; or who could come in, now and then, to help him.

It must be confessed that Trine was rather jealous of Battiste's influence, because though she had not been very long in Mr. Birkenfeld's service herself, she had an aunt who had lived in the family many years; indeed until she grew too old to work.

"Thy star in trine" is an astrological term, which signifieth when your natal planet shall be in a certain quarter of the heavens. The verse is of the nature of a prophecy.

There was no possibility of Trine being allowed to go, either; and the doctor could not praise her enough for her intelligent care of the patient.

Everybody ran from under the apple-tree; Battiste and Trine came from the house with tubs and buckets, Hans from the stable with a pail in each hand; all screaming and shouting together. "The bush is on fire! the hedge is on fire!" There was terrible noise and confusion. "Dora!