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She knew that Andrew lay within in the bed-room behind the sitting-room. She entered the room softly. No one was there; but it was in good order, as old Trine had left it when she went away. The child looked about to see that every thing was in the right place. Against the wall, in the back part of the room, stood a big wooden bedstead called a coach, and which was all arranged like a proper bed.

To be sure, the grand cake had to be cut in halves, and part put away, for otherwise there was not room on the table for the rest of the supper; but after that they were all more merry than ever feasters were before. But the time went by, and Trine stood there waiting to take the children home, it was late. Andrew said, at leave-taking,

Once again let us turn the key, and we have our two conceptions in a metaphysical sense; the trine with its apex above is as the trine with its apex below, both the same in form, yet vibrating to very different planes, and a very different language is required to read and interpret their meaning aright.

Trine came, laden with all needful things, much sooner than anybody dared hope for her; for she was all ready with her big basket packed, and her mistress stood by her side, expecting the order for her to go down to Andrew's; for they would not believe that Andrew was dead, and had thought of every thing that could possibly be needed.

There John saw his father and mother, and his brother Andrew, and his sister Trine. The old minister Krabbe stood there too, in his black slippers and white nightcap, gaping and staring with the rest. John discovered himself to his parents, and Elizabeth to hers; and the wedding-day was soon fixed.

It is not easy to answer that question in a paragraph, though it is easy to feel the answer in any comparison of the great classics of mysticism which are mostly spiritual autobiographies and New Thought literature. To turn from St. Augustine to Dresser, or from St. Theresa to Trine is to change spiritual and intellectual climates.

"And what in the world do you want to put those wet boots on again for? I have just pulled them off, so that you should not have them on. I should just like to know what this means?" said Trine, who stood looking on all this time. "I am going to the beech grove this very minute to fetch Wiseli to our house. She can have my bed," said Pussy, decidedly.

So, too, where He is called "Father, Son, and Holy Spirit," three are not meant, but one God; that is, there are not three Divines, but one; and this trine which is one is the Lord. Since each name signifies some distinct attribute or quality, "to profane the name of God" does not mean to profane His name itself but His quality.

Old Trine had been maid-servant in the family when the children's mother came into the world, so she was an authority in the household, and felt that she was one of its members, to tell the truth, the very head of the establishment; for surely she was the oldest in age and experience.

"What things?" asked Lydia, a trine obstinately. "That's what I want you to find out for yourself. Come, Lydia, take my word for it. It's only two hours a week and no outside study required. If after a term of it, you still think it's useless, why drop it." So behold Lydia entered in the Cooking Course which was not popular.