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Grasping his carbine so that his hand covered the trigger-guard in order to avoid any accidental discharge in consequence of the trigger becoming caught in some trailing twig he began to creep forward, making as little noise as possible, and being particularly careful to avoid disturbing the bushes any more than he could help.

The cylinder reposed naturally in the palm of his hand, and the tip of his forefinger was thrust through the trigger-guard. Burrell lowered the barrel of his revolver and put out his left hand for the other's weapon.

"My partner's gun is my gun, bunky From the chamber to the trigger-guard; And the butt like a friend's hand gripping hard My partner's gun is my gun, bunky. "My partner's heart is my heart, bunky And like matched horses galloping well, They will beat together through heaven and hell My partner's heart is my heart, bunky."

"But how in the world ?" "Easily enough. I was leaning over the cliff above here, with my gun beside me, when a piece of earth gave way under my head. I went down the slope head foremost, as I guess, and my coat must have caught in the gun's trigger-guard.

He thrust the rifle, bottom up into her lap. "Read it!" On the plate behind the trigger-guard, carved in flowing script, were these words. To Robert Orde from Arthur Kincaid. September 10, 1879. The printing press, too, was now a success. What time Bobby could spare, he spent over his new work.

All guns made for sport in wild countries and rough riding, should have steel instead of iron from the breech-socket, extending far back to within six inches of the shoulder-plate; the trigger-guard should likewise be steel, and should be carried back to an equal distance with the above rib; the steel should be of extra thickness, and screwed through to the upper piece; thus the two, being connected by screws above and below, no fall could break the stock.

The evolution of the "double roll" is executed by taking a six-shooter let us hope not one of those pitiful toys of the East upon each forefinger, each weapon so hanging balanced on the trigger-guard and the trigger itself that it shall be ready to turn about the finger as upon a pivot, and shall be ready for instant discharge, the thumb cocking the weapon as it turns; yet so that it shall none the less be discharged only when the muzzle of the weapon is pointed away from the operator's person and not toward it.

When the shot is off, you load again by simply doing this to the trigger-guard so. D'you understand?" "Yes, perfectly; but is that all? no putting in of cartridges anywhere?" "No, nothing more. Now, try it. That's it! Capital! Couldn't be better. Why, you were born to be a sportsman!"

Just at this moment I saw Garry, who stood a hundred feet above me on the hill, commanding the whole basin of the swamp, bring up his rifle. This was enough for me my thumb was on the cock, the nail of my forefinger pressed closely on the trigger-guard. He lowered it again, as though he had lost sight of his object raised it again with great rapidity, and fired.

"Then it was not Andy. Andy is like a hogshead a blob of creesh with a turnip on the top and he would fall with a curse." "Name of a pipe! I know him; he debated the last few yards of the way with me, and I gave him De Chenier's mace in the jaw." "Sir?" "I put him slightly out of countenance with the butt and trigger-guard of my pistol.