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Rand looked at the tag tied to the trigger-guard; it was marked, in letter-code, with three different prices. That was characteristic of Arnold Rivers's business methods. "How much does Mr. Rivers want for this?" he asked, handing the revolver to young Gillis. The clerk mentally decoded the three prices and vacillated for a moment over them.

Cairn, taking advantage of the rugged walls, and of the blocks of stone amid which they stood, mounted upon Sime's shoulders. "Could you carry your revolver in your teeth?" asked the latter. "I think you might hold it by the trigger-guard." "I proposed to do so," replied Dr. Cairn grimly. "Stand fast!"

I shivered before the fire, my hands held out to the flame. It was a long, low room. There was an ancient guncase on one side, but the racks were empty except for a service pistol hanging by its trigger-guard from the hook. There were some shelves of books on the other side. But the conspicuous thing in the room was an image of Buddha in a glass box on the mantelpiece.

He saw the movement; for at once, even with his head down in the grasses, he hesitated and came to a full stop. Suddenly, as my fingers felt for the trigger-guard, my heart began to beat like a hammer. There lay my danger; and in a flash I knew it, but not the extent of it.

You want to be careful how you handle him; we may want him for puncturing Rivers, though I'm inclined to doubt that, as of now. Get him to tell you, yes or no, whether he reblued it and replated the back-strap and trigger-guard, and if he did it for Rivers; and if so, when.