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Trant will surprise and capture that, at five in the morning. Just before daybreak we shall enter the town. We must march from here at half-past three." "That is something like news, Colonel," Macwitty exclaimed. "It will cut the French off from this line of retreat, altogether, and they must either fall back by the line of the Tagus, or through Badajoz and Merida." Terence laughed.

I wondered that he should wonder, for I could not remember, in the Cumnor group or elsewhere, having known any one of the name he mentioned. "But perhaps," he continued, "you hadn't heard of her marriage? You knew her as Mrs. Trant." I gave him back his stare. "Not Mrs. Philip Trant?" "Yes; Mrs. Philip Trant." "Not Paulina?" "Yes Paulina," he said, with a just perceptible delay before the name.

Beyond sending a newspaper which recorded his victory in the Barton Towers steeple-chase De Burgh made no sign, and life ran smoothly in its ordinary grooves at Sandbourne. Rachel Trant revived marvellously.

It might be unjust, but she owned that it was a prepossession she could not conquer. "Why, indeed, my dear young lady, I hardly know how to blame you," cried Lady Trant; "for certainly a jilt is not a very amiable character." "Oh! my dear Lady Trant, don't use such a word Georgiana! Why will you be so warm, so very unguarded, where that darling brother is concerned?

He has a great look of my mother, especially his eyes; they are just like hers." "If you will allow me to come some Sunday " "Certainly. You will sympathise with Miss Payne. She shares your deep-rooted distrust of your fellow-creatures. Yet even she has some faint faith in Rachel Trant." "That is the best symptom about the affair I have yet heard of.

At this time, the Melville, a brig of the enemy's, was close up with us, firing upon our decks from her fore-top. She was coming up on our larboard quarter, while a large schooner was nearing us fast on the starboard. Mr. Trant directed our gun to be elevated so as to sweep the brig's forecastle, and then he called out, "Now's the time, lads fire at the b s! fire away at 'em!"

He fought at Pombal and at Redinha, and that so strenuously that, had it not been for Trant, Wilson, and other partisans who defended all the fords and bridges, Massena would have been able to have crossed the Mondego.

To him I presented myself with my report little of which was new to him except my reason for believing Ciudad Rodrigo safe for the present; and this he heard with real pleasure, chiefly because it confirmed his own belief and gave it a good reason which it had hitherto lacked. And here I must say a word on General Trant.

"I am not sure that he has any wishes on the subject," said Katherine, her color rising. "He thinks I am too ungodly to be eligible for the helpmeet of a true believer. Ah, indeed I am not half good enough for such a man!" That Rachel Trant should have drifted into communication George Liddell seemed a most whimsical turn of the wheel of fortune to Katherine, and she thought much of it.

Falconer was so anxious about them and Lady Frances gave her several I must see Lady Frances again directly, to inquire whether she gave her, among the rest, Lord Oldborough's I'll go to Lady Jane Granville's this evening on purpose. But had I not better go this moment to Lady Trant?"