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Back of the ropes near first base a tough-looking crowd of Wellsburgans greeted the professionals with a cheer. "Eat 'em up, McCann!" howled a husky fellow with a broken nose. "Take some of the conceit outer this Merriwell to-day! He's been crowing over Wellsburg long enough!" Merry glanced around and saw Hunker, with several of his assistants, gathering in the vicinity of this tough crowd.

Certainly it was tough-looking stuff to fight one's way through; but those sumptuous words of Henry P. Tobias's narrative kept on making a glorious glitter in my mind: "The first is a sum of one million and one half dollars.... The other is a sum of one million dollars.... The first pod was taken from a Spanish merchant and it is in Spanish silver dollars.

Vaillant and Paula Ray and a tall, tough-looking man of middle age were around the table and had looked up, surprised. Vaillant's face flashed irritation. "Paula, you were supposed to keep him in his cabin!" "I didn't think he was strong enough to follow," she said. "I'm not," said Kieran, and pitched over.

And even if he had and could have seen the two tough-looking sailormen who descended from the first-class compartment there and stepped on to the tiny platform among one or two others, he would never have dreamed of associating them with the Mr. Headland and his man Dollops who had such a short time ago left the Towers for London.

It was a very queer place, Van Bibber thought, and the people stared very hard at him and his gloves and the gardenia in his coat and at the tramp accompanying him. "You ain't going to eat two breakfasts, are yer?" asked one of the very tough-looking waiters of the Object. The Object looked uneasy, and Van Bibber, who stood beside his chair, smiled in triumph.

He was a tough-looking fellow from some Eastern city; he had been drinking, and he paraded the cars talking loudly and profanely, trying to pick quarrels with passengers and frequently flourishing a revolver.

All, except one, were tanned a dark, ruddy hue, unshaven, unkempt, but tough-looking and hardy. The pale-faced exception was a thin, sick-looking fellow with deep hollows under his eyes, and lips as ashen as a corpse. He it was who was talking, and his recital demanded a great display of dramatic gesture. Tresler came up and joined the group.

He should have been a butler." "But, at least, he's a gentleman." "Oh, yes," said Margaret. "Yes, I suppose so. I despise him, while, in a way, I respect Craig." "He has such a tough-looking skin," said Lucia. "I don't mind that in a man," replied Margaret. "His hands are like like a coachman's," said Lucia. "Whenever I look at them I think of Thomas."

The ranger was inclined to smile, but he forbore, seeing that Charley was sensitive. "You'll soon get used to meeting tough-looking customers in the forest," he said. "I hope that I don't meet many like that fellow," sighed Charley. "When he scowled at me, he looked as fierce as a chimpanzee. And he had an ugly scar over his eye that actually seemed to turn red."

During a lull in the conversation the boys noticed three men approaching. They were rather tough-looking characters, and at first the lads took them to be tramps. The men walked behind the lumber piles without noticing our friends. "Some fellows that followed up the circus, I suppose," said Snap. "Yes; the kind my aunt was afraid of," added the doctor's son.