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"I thought not," said the other; and again she glanced at the two "for I see the priest is not." There was a moment's silence. Nick was looking at his wife with a face of dismay. Then Beatrice answered smiling. "Neither are you, dear Lady Torridon. Is not that enough to keep me?" A short yelp of laughter broke from Nicholas; and he stooped to examine his boot.

Indeed to Chris it was fairly plain that his mother had consented so willingly to Beatrice's visit with the express purpose of punishing her. But Beatrice held her own triumphantly. They had not sat down three minutes before Lady Torridon opened the assault, with grave downcast face and in her silkiest manner.

Lady Torridon opened her lips, closed them again, and turned her back on the girl. "But you are cruel," said Beatrice's voice from behind, "and " The woman turned once more venomously. "You do not want me," she said. "You have taken one son of mine, and now you would take the other. Is not my daughter enough?" Beatrice instantly stepped up, and put her hand on the other's arm.

"Why do you look at me like that, Mrs. Beatrice?" "It is what you said. Do you really think that, Mr. Torridon?" Ralph was bewildered for a moment. "I do not understand," he said. "Do you truly think he always has an escape ready?" repeated the girl. Then Ralph understood. "You mean he is in danger," he said steadily. "Well, of course he is. There is no great man that is not.

"And those in your hand on the chair. What are they?" Ralph made one more violent effort to regain the mastery. "If you were not a woman, Mistress Atherton, I should tell you you were insolent." Not a ripple troubled those strong eyes. "Tell me, Mr. Torridon, what are they?" He stood silent and furious. "I will tell you what they are," she said; "they are my Lord's secrets. Is it not so?

The three laymen did not even know the crime with which Ralph was charged, but they soon learnt that the technical phrase for it was misprision of treason. "Mr. Torridon was arrested, I understand," said the lawyer, "by order of Council. He would have been arrested in any case. He was known to be privy to my Lord Essex's schemes. You inform me that he destroyed evidence.

Ralph himself was somewhat doubtful as to whether the concession would be accepted; but he professed great confidence, and secretly congratulated himself with having made so much way. But presently a remark of More's showed that he appreciated the situation. "I am very grateful to you, Mr. Torridon, for coming and talking to me; and I shall tell my wife and children so. But it is of no use.

The funeral took place three days after death, on the Saturday morning; a requiem was sung in the presence of the body in the parish church; and Beatrice sat with the mourners in the Torridon chapel behind the black hearse set with lights, before the open vault in the centre of the pavement.

"I suppose we shall have to let the Bishop off with a fine," said the minister, "in regard to the Maid's affair; but we shall catch him presently over the Act; and Mr. More is clear of it. But we shall have him too in a few days. Put down what you have to say, Mr. Torridon, and let me have it this evening."

Chris saw that his mother was watching the monk shrewdly and narrowly, and feared what might come. But it was unavoidable. "We poor monks," the priest cried presently, "shall soon be cast out to beg our bread. The King's Grace " "Is not poverty one of the monastic vows?" put in Lady Torridon suddenly, still looking steadily at his half-drunk glass.