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Updated: August 8, 2024

"I must seem a vain fool to say so;" she said, leaning back in her chair, and looking up at him, "and perhaps insolent too; yet I must say it. It is this: I believe that Lady Torridon Ah! how can I say it?" "Tell me," said Chris steadily, looking away from her. Beatrice shifted a little in her seat; and then stood up. "Well, it is this.

"Here I walk," said More, "and my friends look at me from those shelves, ready to converse but never to interrupt. Shall we walk here, Mr. Torridon, while you tell me your business?"

It seems that there be no true men left, except in the world; these houses are rotten with crime. Is it not so, Master Torridon? rotten with crime! But of all the knaves that I did ever meet, and they are many and strong ones, I do believe Master Prior, that you are the worst. Here is my sentence, and see that it be carried out.

It shall not be said that we condemned a man unheard. Eh! Mr. Torridon?" Ralph nodded sharply, and glanced at Chris; but his brother was staring at the Prior. "Now then, sir," cried the doctor again. "I entreat you, Master Layton " The Prior's voice was convulsed with terror as he cried this with outstretched hands. "Yes, sir, I will hear you." "I entreat you, sir, not to tell his Grace.

"And now let us talk of other matters. If I would not do it for my daughter's sake, who begged me, I would not do it for the sake of both the Houses of Parliament, nor even, dear Mr. Torridon, for yours and Master Cromwell's." Ralph saw that it was of no use, and began to speak of other things. He gave him news of Chelsea.

It was a magnificent piece of work, of shimmering gold, with orphreys embroidered with arms; and she stroked out its folds with obvious pride. "These are Warham's arms," observed the Abbess. "You know them, Mr. Torridon? We worked these the month before his death." Ralph nodded briskly. "Will you kindly leave it here, Reverend Mother," he said. "I wish to see it again presently."

"Yes, yes, yes," said the harsh voice impatiently. "Let the fellow take it back," and he thrust the paper into Cromwell's hand, who turned once more to Ralph. "Who is he?" said the King. "I have seen his face. Who are you?" "This is Mr. Ralph Torridon," said Cromwell; "a very useful friend to me, your Grace."

The peers had proved tractable and had agreed to pass the attainder against Elizabeth Barton without any more talk of justice and the accused's right of defence; and he looked now at Ralph with a grim approval. "I believe you are right, Mr. Torridon. I will think, over it." A week later the blow fell.

"And that is the prettiest defence you could have made if it does not amount to corruption. Mr. Torridon, what is the repartee to that?" "I need no advocate," said the girl; "I can plead well enough." Ralph looked up at her again with a certain interest. She seemed on marvellously good terms with the whole family, and had an air of being entirely at her ease.

Chris's father had a very marked respect for the priest, and had had more than one sharp word with his wife, ten years before when he had first come to the house, and had found Lady Torridon prepared to treat her chaplain with the kind of respect that she gave to her butler.

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