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Updated: August 19, 2024

One of the riders pulled out a revolver when he caught sight of Finn's shaggy head. "Well, may I be teetotally jiggered!" he growled. "What sort of a beast do ye call that?" The riders galloped down the slope and flung themselves hurriedly from their horses. The leading man waved his whip at Finn to drive him off.

Yessir, by golly! teetotally plumb forgot me. I guess I won't get over that slam for a while." "Now that isn't fair, Mr. Schwirtz; you know it isn't it's almost dark here on the porch, even with the lamps. I couldn't really see you. And, besides, I did recognize you I just couldn't think of your name for the moment."

First I found out how they happened to marry Father and Mother, I'm talking about now only Nurse says she can't see yet how they did happen to marry, just the same, they're so teetotally different. But this is the story.

It was all I could do to break the news to my picked men that they were expected to lug sacks of corn instead of fight, and when I did they kicked at once. One of the Irishmen said he would be teetotally d d if he enlisted to carry corn for mules, and he would lay in the guard-house till the war was over before he would lift a sack. There was a strike on my hands to start on.

They thort they'd drive us teetotally out of the diggins; so we thort it was time to CIVILIZE 'em. We hid in the long grass fur a few nights and watched the cusses. One morning a Chinaman was found dead in a cabin.

Perhaps that's the cause of my prejudice, and yet I must say, British or no British, it tante bad, is it? "The meetin' houses 'our side of the water, no matter where, but away up in the back country, how teetotally different they be! bean't they?

No hold-outs anywhere. It was a heap long ways to cows; and I'd be teetotally chawed up and spit out if I was goin' to join these minin' terrapins defacin' the bosom of nature. It sure looked to me like hard work. While I was figurin' what next, Dutchy came in. Which I was tur'ble surprised at that, but I said good-mornin' and would he rest his poor feet. "You like to make some money?" he asks.

"Boys, I'm disgusted; for the first time in my life since I have been in service; teetotally disgusted with the way things are carried on. I'm no greenhorn at this business either," continued the captain, assuming, as he spoke, the position of a soldier, and although somewhat ungainly when off duty, no man in the corps could take that position more correctly, or appear to better advantage.

Whar that mine was located, the big landslide changed the hull face o' nature, an' all kinds o' landmarks have been teetotally lost." "Well, I am going to do what I can," put in Roger. "And my two chums are going to help me. But I was going to ask you a question. The clerk suggested that we ask you. Do you know an old miner named Abe Blower?" "Sure." "Can you tell me where he is now?"

What I want to know now is, how we're all goin' to get home, clean across the State of Texas, without a dollar in the outfit, and no assets but our guns and the nags." That was a sure tough proposition, and we had left it teetotally out of calculations. We'd bet every bean on that race, not seein' how we could lose.

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