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The fact is stated that I may win for him the warm sympathies of the body of his countrymen. He was greeted by a piece of cold boiled neck of mutton and a solitary dish of steaming potatoes. The blank expanse of table-cloth returned his desolate stare. 'Why, what's the meaning of this? Andrew brutally exclaimed, as he thumped the table.

She still stood sketching; but, as she sketched, there was a struggle within her, which found expression in the depth of the few last lines the parasol point indented into the table-cloth, and then some tears fell from her eyes. 'Why, confound the woman, exclaimed Lammle, 'she IS sentimental!

It seemed to the impatient Dotty that she was a long while about it; but she worked as fast as she could, with so many children clinging to her skirts, and impeding her movements. "Supper, Mandoline!" called she at last, in a shrill voice; and the little girls went down. The supper was palatable enough, but very unwholesome, and the table-cloth was dirty and wrinkled.

It certainly looked so as it bent over the pile of big socks half an hour later, and brightened with each that was laid aside. Her mother saw it, and, guessing why such wistful glances went from clock to window, kindly shortened the task of table-cloth darning by doing a good bit herself, before putting it into Merry's hands.

It found hers and, under cover of the table-cloth, pressed a screw of paper into her fingers. The next instant he emerged, very red in the face, but triumphant, a lady's gauntlet glove in his hand. "Awfully obliged!" he declared. "Sorry to have disturbed you. Thought I should find it here." He smiled, bowed, and departed, leaving Doris amazed at his audacity.

The two managers, or rather ex-managers, at once rose and stared strangely at the speaker. They were more excited than they need have been, that is to say, more excited than any one need be by the announcement of the suicide of a chief scene-shifter. They looked at each other. They, had both turned whiter than the table-cloth. At last, Debienne made a sign to Mm.

The ladies gathered in a group, whispering and laughing their relief at the turn affairs were taking all save Dorothy, who sat serenely beside me, picking the kernels from walnut-shells and sipping a glass of port. Sir John Johnson found a coal in the embers on the hearth, and, leaning half over the table, began to draw on the table-cloth a rude map of Tryon County.

In the middle of the room stood a small table, covered with a snow-white table-cloth, ready for supper. On it were arranged seven little plates, seven little spoons, seven little knives and forks, and seven mugs. By the wall stood seven little beds, near each other, covered with white quilts.

I made it with a lot o' sweet, rich juice, and I thought to myself, 'I know Blind Rodgers'll slop a little on the table-cloth to-day, and I put on a clean table-cloth, jest hopin' he would.

Surely the freshness of her cheeks was a gossamer projection from a land of delicate and undiscovered shades; her hand gleaming on the stained table-cloth was a shell from some far and wildly virginal sea....