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Updated: August 11, 2024

Cut off his supply of that life-supporting gas, choke him, or suffocate him, or place him in an atmosphere of pure carbonic acid, or hold his head in a bucket of water, and he dies at once. Yet, except in mines or submarine tunnels, nobody ever takes into account practically this most important factor in human and animal life. We toil for bread, but we ignore the supply of oxygen. And why?

"They're going to kiss you, Griselda," cried the cuckoo. Griselda felt her breath going. Up above her was the vast feathery cloud of butterflies, fluttering, rushing down upon her. "Cuckoo, cuckoo," she screamed, "they'll suffocate me. Oh, cuckoo!" "Shut your eyes, and clap your hands loud, very loud," called out the cuckoo.

Indeed, the venomous pest appeared to operate as an antidote against all other poisons. The physicians tried to suffocate the fiend with tobacco smoke. He breathed it as freely as if it were his native atmosphere. Again, they drugged their patient with opium and drenched him with intoxicating liquors, hoping that the snake might thus be reduced to stupor and perhaps be ejected from the stomach.

The prince tried to speak, but could not form his words; a great weight seemed to lie upon his breast and suffocate him. "N-no! don't marry him!" he whispered at last, drawing his breath with an effort. "So be it, then. Gavrila Ardalionovitch," she spoke solemnly and forcibly, "you hear the prince's decision? Take it as my decision; and let that be the end of the matter for good and all."

Beat me, misuse me, neglect me, be unfaithful it is your right and I shall serve you the better for it. But if you love me I cannot bear it. I shall suffocate with joy my heart will crack. O Francis, Francis, wilt thou never understand thy poor girl?" All this time she was straining me to her with frenzy, kissing me, almost blind with tears. She was frantic, panting and struggling for breath.

Ball was gushing affectedly to Anita, "I got an idea that well, really, I didn't know what to think." Anita looked as if she were about to suffocate. Allie came to the rescue. "Not very complimentary to Mr. Blacklock, mother," said she good-humoredly. Then to Anita, with a simple friendliness there was no resisting: "Wouldn't you like to come up to my room for a few minutes?"

The fair girl could not utter one word in reply. Her heart was beating so rapidly and heavily that for a moment she thought she must suffocate, while that mute cry again went up from its wounded depths: "Oh! Wallace, Wallace, did I promise?"

The idea was to set the place on fire, suffocate us in the smoke of the kerosene poured into the hole, and then to rush in and grab the treasure. It was a systematic plan!" "No!" said Demorest quietly. "No?" repeated Stacy.

At the utmost, she can have the indications of touch: not actual indications, of course, for the pot is not there, but past indications, useless in a work of precision. And yet the disk to be cut out must have a fixed diameter: if it were too large, it would not go in; if too small, it would close badly, it would slip down on the honey and suffocate the egg.

As the years passed the limitations of the convent became more perceptible. She felt its cramping influence to the full, as if the walls were closing in to suffocate her, to bury her alive before she had ever known a fuller freer life. She had longed for expansion ideas she could not formulate, desires she could not express, crowded, jostled in her brain.

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