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At last we came so near to the house that I halted the waggon and descended from the driving-box in order to investigate. At this moment someone did appear, the sight of whom astonished me not a little, namely, a very striking-looking young woman. She was tall, handsome, with large dark eyes, good features, a rather pale complexion, and I think the saddest face that I ever saw.

They walked home in silence a striking-looking pair, with their great similar forms and their handsome similar faces, typical impersonations of the first generation that is sowing in labor, and the second generation that is reaping in idleness.

The well-conducted man in South Shields does not go out one night with a revolver tucked away in the pocket of his dress-suit, and turn up the next evening with a striking-looking lady with bronze hair. Such goings-on are seen on the stage in South Shields in melodrama, and they are the goings-on of the villain. In the eyes of the gentle ladies my reputation was gone.

He must be a pretty striking-looking sort of old man. I " And then recollection swept over Norah like a flood, and her words faltered on her lips. Her hand gripped the reins tighter, and she drove on unconsciously. Blake's words were beating in her ears. "Not a bad-looking old chap very tall and well set up piercing blue eyes and a pretty uppish way of talking."

In front of the fireplace were standing two gentlemen, the one a very typical, clean-shaven, general practitioner, the other a striking-looking man of middle age, with pale blue eyes and a long red beard. "Hullo, Mason, you've come at last!" "Yes, Sir John, and I have brought, as I promised, Dr. Wilkinson with me." "Dr. Wilkinson! Why, this is he." Dr. Mason stared in astonishment.

Mademoiselle Noemie evidently relished her situation, and had no desire to bring her public interview with her striking-looking patron to a close. Newman perceived that prosperity agreed with her. The little thin-lipped, peremptory air with which she had addressed her father on the occasion of their former meeting had given place to the most lingering and caressing tones.

I suppose the girl is plain, too takes after her mother?" "Not exactly. Mr. Forbes that's my friend says she's a beauty. But if you don't mind, Penelope, I was going to ask you to be a little civil to them." "Well, I'll admit she is handsome a very striking-looking girl. I've seen them driving on the Avenue day after day.

And then he turned to the fair, striking-looking girl whom Tom was assisting with all the alacrity that a young man generally shows to a pretty girl: "Miss Sefton, you will be heartily welcome for your mother's sake; she and I were great friends in the 'auld lang syne. Will you come with me?

He got on board in good time, and produced the usual impression on the mud-pilot in the broken-down straw hat who took the Sapphire out of dock. The river-man was very polite to the dignified, striking-looking chief mate. "The five-inch manilla for the check-rope, Mr. Bunter, thank you Mr. Bunter, please."

The agent, whoever he might be, was a striking-looking fellow in a dirty brown cloth caftán and an enormous sash wound round his middle.