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Then he's slowly marched down the double line of men, who flog him as he passes, and at the end of the line he receives another dose of the cat from the boatswain's mate. The poor devil's body and head are flayed, and he's sent to hospital and rubbed with brine till he's healed. "But the most horrible of all is flogging through the fleet. That's given for strikin' an officer, or tryin' to escape.

"Ten minutes a'terwards he was dying acrost my knees on the spar-deck of the Don. "'Has she struck, Bill? he whispers, coughing.... "'The three decker's struck, sir, says I, 'and the four-decker's strikin. "He shuts his eyes. "'Then I can depart in peace, he sighs. 'Tell Marjory I done my duty. "And he up and died." There was a cough in the darkness.

"Yes'm, hit's mouty strikin' now, an' when ye think how hit'll all be changed in a little while ter more misery then thar is this side o' hell, hit becomes all the more strikin'. Hit seems ter me somethin' like what I've heered 'em read 'bout in the Bible, whar they went on feastin' an' singin', an' dancin' an' frolickin', an' the like, an' at midnight the inimy broke through the walls of ther city, an' put 'em all ter the sword, even while they wuz settin' round thar tables, with ther drinkin' cups in ther hands."

I care more for you than for any one else in the whole world. "Yes," she sez, standin' up an' flashin' a look into Dick's eyes as fierce as they had ever shot themselves. "Yes, an' if you think to win me by strikin' down my old Dad, why we have both been mistaken, an' I despise you!"

At the bottom was a broad, open flat, quarter of a mile to timber and full of niggerheads. I knew if ever I slipped I was a goner, but I hit only the high places till you couldn't a-seen my trail for smoke. And the old devil snortin' along hot after me. Midway across, he reached for me, jest strikin' the heel of my moccasin with his claw. Tell you I was doin' some tall thinkin' jest then.

If there's any strikin' to be done round here, or chimin' either, it's got to be done in chorus or not at all. Ain't he been well-nigh a year trainin' those clocks? We've got 'em down now almighty fine too 'cept for Number Seventeen." "I'll have a look at her." "Do, sir! She's on the stairway, you know, halfway up." "Oh, I remember her, although I don't believe I could give her number offhand."

"They don't want me in Kilburn," said he, "the mill men are strikin' there, and the bosses have got armed men on every corner. Oh, the capitalists are watchin' for me, all right." I cannot convey the strange excitement I felt. It seemed as though these words suddenly opened a whole new world around me a world I had heard about for years, but never entered.

Ain't I seen you from our place, with this one and that one, sometimes all by yourself, strikin' out over the country as if you was crazy about it? How'd you like to be where you couldn't even see out? EMIL: Oh, well Jesus, if you're going to talk about that ! You can't change the way things are. EMIL: Well, say, who do you think you are? MADELINE: I think I'm an American.

"What comes to me as a heavenly melody freighted full of beautiful sentiment and holy rapture comes to them as an intolerable agony, a-maddenin' discord, that threatens their sanity, that rouses 'em up from their fitful sleep, that murders sleep the bells to them seem murderus, strikin' noisily with brazen hands, at their hearts.

"But," he added, "I have a voice, and that voice is for war." The young man then closed his speech with some strikin and orginal remarks in relation to the star-spangled banner. He was followed by the village minister, a very worthy man indeed, but whose sermons have a tendency to make people sleep pretty industriously. "I am willin' to inlist for one," he said. "What's your weight, parson?"