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Maria ain't got a very soft voice, most generally speakin', but when she busted up in front of that preacher and says 'I will, why, God A'mighty askin' your pardon, Kate they was a change come in her voice that was like a bell chimin' down in her throat a bell ringin' away off far, you know, so's you only kind of guess at it! But comin' back to you and Dan, Kate "

If there's any strikin' to be done round here, or chimin' either, it's got to be done in chorus or not at all. Ain't he been well-nigh a year trainin' those clocks? We've got 'em down now almighty fine too 'cept for Number Seventeen." "I'll have a look at her." "Do, sir! She's on the stairway, you know, halfway up." "Oh, I remember her, although I don't believe I could give her number offhand."

The Agathites are not, as you might say, an' yet they can't live with 'im. It's the discipline that does it. 'Ark to the bald an' unconvincin' watch-officer chimin' in. I wonder where Mr. Moorshed has got to?" We drifted down the Devolution's side, as we had drifted down her sister's; and we dealt with her in that dense gloom as we had dealt with her sister. "Whai! 'Tis a man-o'-war, after all!

There, now, hark to the town clock chimin' below there! Six o'clock it is four bells. If you're not back agen by seven I shall know what's happened an' take steps accordin'. An' you'll know that I'm on my way to your father by another tack. 'What tack? says you. 'Never you mind, says I. If the worst comes to the worst, old Dan Coffin has a shot left in his locker." I took the key and ran.