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This can be done partially and gradually by seeing that every consumptive holds a handkerchief, or cloth, before his mouth whenever he coughs; that he uses a paper napkin, pasteboard box, flask, or other receptacle whenever he spits; and that these things in which the sputum is caught are promptly burned, boiled, or otherwise sterilized by heat.

If sewage drains into a well or water supply, the water is liable to contain bacteria, which will render it unfit and unsafe for drinking until it is sterilized by boiling. Besides rain water and distilled water, there is none that is entirely soft; all other waters hold certain salts in solution to a greater or less degree.

Surgical gauze, which tradespeople sometimes call dairy-cloth, is the most suitable material for covering the pads. Bleached cheese cloth will answer the same purpose, but it is more expensive and rather heavy. Approximately thirty-five yards of the gauze, which comes in a thirty-six-inch width, will be needed. When the supplies are finished, they are wrapped in separate bundles and sterilized.

The latter, when young and a maiden, beckoned perhaps by Eros, wandered from Olympos and was gathering flowers when Pluto, borne by black horses, erupted, raped her, and tore her away. The cries of the indignant Demeter sterilized the earth. To assuage her, Zeus undertook to have Persephone recovered, provided that in Hades, of which Pluto was lord, she had eaten nothing.

If his condition will in any wise permit, he has been given a boiling hot bath and scrub the night before, and put to bed in a sterilized nightgown between sterilized sheets.

Formerly criminals were sterilized and reduced to unwilling slavery, but there have been no unwilling slaves in Kondal for hundreds of karkamo." "Why? Are there no criminals any more?" "No. With the invention of the thought recorder an absolutely fair trial was assured and the guilty were all convicted. They could not reproduce themselves, and as a natural result crime died out."

One pound of sterilized absorbent cotton; twelve yards of cheese-cloth. 8. Six abdominal bandages, eighteen inches wide, preferably made to fit the figure at the sixth month of gestation. 9. Two hand-scrubs. 10. Four ounces of the tincture of green soap. 11. Bottle of corrosive sublimate tablets. 12. Four ounces of powdered boric acid. 13. Half a pint of good whisky. 14.

I pay a state visit every day. Think of that! I sit in a chair at the other end of the room while Mrs. Porter stands between to see that I don't start anything. Bill plays with his sterilized bricks. Occasionally he and I exchange a few civil words. It's as jolly and sociable as you could want. We have great times." "Say, on the level, I wonder you stand for it." "I've got to stand for it."

There's just one objection to this sterilized nursery business, though, which she doesn't seem to have detected. How am I going to provide these things on an income of five thousand and at the same time live in that luxury which the artist soul demands? Bill, my lad, you'll have to sacrifice yourself for your father's good. When I'm a millionaire we'll see about it. Meanwhile "

Anything that means confusion, delay, unnecessary excitement is bad and unmerciful." Marta was not yet at the end of her resources. The recollection of the dying private who had asked her mother for a rose in the last war flashed into mind. "You haven't flowers! They won't do any harm, even if they aren't sterilized. The wounded like flowers, don't they? Don't you like flowers? Look!