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"Boys," said Uncle Daniel, and there was grief in his voice, "I'se mighty glad you hab a chance for your freedom; but, ez I tole yer, I promised Marse Robert I would stay, an' I mus' be as good as my word. Don't you youngsters stay for an ole stager like me. I'm ole an' mos' worn out.

Neil rather prided himself on his ability to fall on the ball, and went at it like an old stager, or so he thought. But if he expected commendation he found none. When the last man had rolled around after the elusive pigskin, Mills went to the other end of the line and did it all over again. When it came Neil's turn he plunged out, found the ball nicely, and snuggled it against his breast.

He uttered his hypocritical speech with such perfect ease that Dorsenne was surprised and irritated. That Hafner did not believe one treacherous word of what he said the novelist was sure, he who, from the indiscreet confidences of Gorka, knew what to think of the Venetian's manner, and he; too, understood the Baron's glance! At any other time he would have admired the policy of the old stager.

"What a pity my Henley visit is put off till the following week, or we might have had a good old time together." "Oh, I don't know," rather absently; "you will be too much taken up with your new friends to want an old stager like me." "You are wrong there," returned the lad eagerly. "I should be glad to have your opinion of" he hesitated, and then finished lamely, "of the Jacobis, I mean.

We had about a week's cruising in the Channel, to knock us into shape as well as test our machinery, the Mermaid being a new vessel and not long delivered over from the contractors; but, Captain Hankey being a smart officer, besides being ably seconded by his subordinates, this was so satisfactorily achieved, as regards both ship and men, that ere we reached old Gib, whose couching lion-head facing out to sea reminded me strongly of the more familiar Bill of Portland, any one inspecting us would really have thought the Mermaid an old stager and that our raw company had been working together for months, instead of only a week or two!

Among them I stood up with a beating heart to watch the dangerous encounters between those doughty champions. When several bouts had been finished, two men came on to the 'pitch, Tempel, the president of the Markomanen, and a certain Wohlfart, an old stager, already in his fourteenth half-year of study, with whom I also was booked for an encounter later on.

The rancher re-filled the glasses, but Transley left his untouched, and Linder did the same. There were business matters to discuss, and it was no fair contest to discuss business in the course of a drinking bout with an old stager like Y.D. "I got to have another thousand tons," the rancher was saying. "Can't take chances on any less, and I want you boys to put it up for me."

Having secured your recruits, you must assemble them at some central point where you have a large quantity of arms and equipment stored, generally at your own expense though "Sam" Hughes is remedying this and issue these, stave off complaints that the fit is not exactly up to West End standards, and, if you are an old "stager," give them an hour or two of drill while enthusiasm is at its maximum.

I don't mind the exclamation of any old stager who drinks Madeira worth from two to six Bibles a bottle, and burns, according to his own premises, a dozen souls a year in the cigars with which he muddles his brains.

"You nasty, good-for-nothing, handsome young devil, you!" she said. "So you're married." He sat up with a jerk. "How did you what makes you think so?" "That was a married kiss a two-year-old married kiss, at least. No boy would get as excited as that about kissing an old stager like me. The chances are you're out of practise. I knew that if it wasn't teeth or impediment it must be morals.