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"Could he ever think of anything else?" came in a stage-whisper from below. Every one heard, and every one smiled. Nancy sang on: "I'm off to the war " "I don't blame him," came again. Laughter swept over the hall. "To the war I must go " "Don't bother about returning " Nancy laughed aloud. The curtain fell. The program for the evening was finished.

Thinking it to be a boy, I called out in a stage-whisper: "Is that old pig, Carpet Slippers, up there?" And a dear little chestnut beard and a smile came over the balusters, accompanied by a voice: "Yes, h-h-here he is. Wh-what do you want with him?" It was Fillet, in carpet slippers, and round a corner. And then in his class-room, this day, I got a sum wrong.

"I don't want him to think we're plotting," she said in a stage-whisper, looking round her. "If I do anything I want to spring it on him!" "Dear Miss Pitstone please understand! I can't help you to plot against Lord Buntingford. You must see I can't. He's my employer and your guardian. If I helped you to do what he disapproves I should simply be doing a dishonourable thing."

Not quite sure of Her Majesty's identity I had never heard there was a Queen I naively asked my mother, in a very audible stage-whisper, 'Who is the old lady with ? My mother dragged me off the instant she had made her curtsey.

"Not for the children," he said. "Under such circumstances education must necessarily acquire a new charm." "Thank you," said Dolly. When supper was announced, Lady Augusta made another attack and was foiled again. She came to their corner, and, bending over Dolly, spoke to her in stage-whisper. "I will bring young Mr. Jessup to take you into the supper-room, Dorothea," she said.

But here the butcher turned on him savagely, and, in a hoarse stage-whisper, exclaimed: "Look here, Pope; you've got too much of what the cat licks " "Gentlemen! gentlemen!" the coroner protested, sternly; "I cannot permit this unseemly conduct. You are forgetting the solemnity of the occasion and your own responsible positions. I must insist on more decent and decorous behaviour."

Every thirty seconds or so the heaving, sliding mass would emit one of those explosive groans: "O-o-o-o-o-oh!" Then it would collapse, an avalanche would threaten to slide, and the living caryatids would shove and struggle. Said Madame Planchet, in her stage-whisper: "The serveece of the young god of beautee!" And my fancy took flight.

But Nicholas was putting on his fur coat, and the others only waited to follow him out. The Boy, greatly concerned lest, after all, the visit should end badly, dropped on his knees to add the force of his own example, and through the opening phrases of Mac's prayer the agnostic was heard saying, in a loud stage-whisper, "Do like me down! Look here!

Apparently the stage-whisper in which this challenge to a possible burglar was uttered rendered it unavailing, for there was no reply; but that there was some one below who could reply Thaddeus was now convinced, for there were sounds in the library sounds, however, suggestive of undue attention to domestic duties rather than of that which fate has mapped out for house-breakers.

A door at the end of the hall creaked, and a head with a shock of weather-beaten hair was stuck cautiously through the opening. "Tom!" it said in a stage-whisper. "Hi, Tom! Come up an' git on ter de lay of de Kid." A bigger boy in a jumper, who had been lounging on two chairs by the group of checker players, sat up and looked toward the door.