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It was sturdy protection, for on a cargo of one hundred thousand pounds of assorted teas from India or China, a British ship would pay $27,800 into the custom house and a Salem square-rigger only $10,980. The result was that the valuable direct trade with the Far East was absolutely secured to the American flag.

I've got no business aboard. It's been some time since I trod the quarter-deck of a square-rigger, and I couldn't resist the temptation of tryin' how the planks felt under my feet. This is consider'ble of a clipper you've got here," he added. "Yes, sir," replied the steward grinning. "Where you from?" asked Captain Elisha. "Singapore, sir." "Cargo all out?" "Yes, sir." "Waitin' for another one?"

"She's wonderful!" cried Ruth. "I love her already. I had no idea she could go so fast." "Know anything about ships?" "This kind. I have seen many of them. Once a sick sailor drew three pictures for me and set down every stay and brace and sail square-rigger, schooner, and sloop. But this is the first time I ever sailed on any one of the three. And I find I can't tell one stay from another!"

That endless stream across the Dubuque ferry was flowing on ahead of me; and the fast-going part of it was passing me every hour like swift schooners outstripping a slow, round-bellied Dutch square-rigger. The mire-holes were getting deeper and deeper; for the weather was showery.

Three times the experience was repeated, and at last the mate reported the matter to the skipper. He immediately suggested, "Well, let us go on running in the direction he insists on taking for a while and see if anything happens." At the end of two hours they came upon a square-rigger with her decks just awash, and six men clinging to her rigging.

The sound of his laughter was something like the creaking of a cart imitated by a ventriloquist. But Padre Francesco knit his bushy brows, for he thought the sailor was making game of him, who had been boatswain on a square-rigger. "I went to sea for thirty years," he said, "but I never heard of a vessel called the Papa. You have said a silly thing.

But to you, fenced in by circumstance, walls of breathless brick and stone, suffocating with longing, you whose thought springs ever toward the gorgeous sunset and the ends of rainbows; who fly in dreams across the golden south seas to the far countries, you whose imagination transforms every ratty old square-rigger that pokes down the bay into a Spanish galleon come with me.

And so, with a crippled crew of schooner sailors, the square-rigger Almena was towed to sea, smoldering rebellion in one end of her, the power of the law in the other murder in the heart of every man on board. Five months later the Almena lay at an outer mooring-buoy in Callao Roads, again ready for sea, but waiting. With her at the anchorage were representatives of most of the maritime nations.

Wicks made haste instead to wear ship, a manoeuvre for which room was wanting, and the Flying Scud took ground on a bank of sand and coral about twenty minutes before five. Wicks was no hand with a square-rigger, and he had shown it.

I'm only a marine engineer, Gib, an' while I been goin' to sea long enough to pick up something about handlin' a vessel, still I'll get dizzy if I go aloft an' I'm sure to get sick. You'll have to do all the high an' lofty tumblin' an' how in blue blazes us two're goin' to sail a square-rigger into port is a mystery to me." "Leave the worryin' to your Uncle Gib, Bart.