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Updated: August 26, 2024

But I did whisper to Rosy in a low still voice it middlin calm, and Miss Gowdy offered to be the one to carry it back to Jonesville, and change it that very afternoon for we could not afford to buy a new one, and we had the testimony of as many as twenty-one or two pairs of eyes, that the handle didn't come out by our own carelessness, but by its own inherient weakness so we spozed he would swap it, we spozed so.

For this uncle of hern wuz a entire stranger to Serepta, and almost like a stranger to her father, for he hadn't seen him since he wuz a boy, but knew he hadn't any children and spozed that he wuz rich and respectable. But the truth wuz he had been runnin' down every way, had lost his property and his character, wuz dissipated and mean. But the will wuz made and the law stood.

And I shouldn't be surprised any day to see her snatched away by some widower or bachelder of proper age. She would be willin', so it is spozed. Wall, Sister Henn kinder relented at the last, and brung two pairs of fowls, all picked, and tied up by their legs. And we thought it wuz kinder funny and providential that one Henn should bring four more of'em.

We hearn afterwards that Deacon Sypher and Deacon Henzy wanted to go into the North Woods a-fishin' and a-huntin' for 2 or 3 days, and it has always been spozed by me that that accounted for their religeus advice to Josiah Allen. Howsumever, I don't know that.

Now, I thought I had seen orniments, and I thought I had seen pillows. Why, Father Allen had a porch held up by as many as five pillows holler ones boarded round and painted to look like granite stun. And our Meetin'-House steeple wuz, I had always spozed, ornimented.

There wuz a woodsy island down in our creek that Josiah had called hisen for years and years, rained peaceful and prosperous over so we spozed, it made a dretful handy place for our young stock to stand in the shade in the summer, and our ducks and geese jest made their hum there, but what should Bill Yerden do when he bought the old Shelmadine place but jest scoop up that island and try to prove that it wuz hisen.

They sot out some pretty shrubs and made some posy beds under the winders, and planted bulbs in 'em, that they spozed would rise up and break out in sunny smiles when they met 'em another summer. They lay out to take sights of comfort in that house yes indeed! And I shouldn't be at all surprised if it ended by our all havin' cottages there for summer comfort. It looks like it now.

And when the woman she wuz took by died she left Serepta quite a handsome property. And finally she married Lank Burpee, and did considerable well it wuz spozed. Her property, put with what little he had, made 'em a comfortable home and they had two pretty children, a boy and a girl.

So it all devolved onto Tom. And Tom riz up to his duties nobly, though it wuz with a sad heart, as wuz spozed, for Isabelle, when she see what had come onto him to do, wouldn't hold him to his engagement she insisted on his bein' free. I spoze she thought she wouldn't burden him with two more helpless ones, and then mebby she thought the two spans wouldn't mate very well.

And they started the next mornin' at sunrise for Shadow Island as I spozed. Till the next day but one Miss Gowdey come over to borry a drawin' of tea and she sez, "Serenus and Josiah are havin' a gay time at Coney Island. I've jest had a card from Serenus." You could have knocked me down with a pin feather.

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