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It is all run down; she don't get much from it; it don't yield much but trouble and burdocks, but as little as she gets, she always will, as I say, do her full share, and more than her share, for the meetin' house. Some think it is on account of her inherient goodness, and some think it is on account of Samuel Danker. We all spose she hain't forgot Samuel.

But I did whisper to Rosy in a low still voice it middlin calm, and Miss Gowdy offered to be the one to carry it back to Jonesville, and change it that very afternoon for we could not afford to buy a new one, and we had the testimony of as many as twenty-one or two pairs of eyes, that the handle didn't come out by our own carelessness, but by its own inherient weakness so we spozed he would swap it, we spozed so.

But I did whisper to Rosy in a low still voice it middlin calm, and Miss Gowdy offered to be the one to carry it back to Jonesville, and change it that very afternoon for we could not afford to buy a new one, and we had the testimony of as many as twenty-one or two pairs of eyes, that the handle didn't come out by our own carelessness, but by its own inherient weakness so we spozed he would swap it, we spozed so.

It is all run down; she don't get much from it; it don't yield much but trouble and burdocks, but as little as she gets, she always will, as I say, do her full share, and more than her share, for the meetin' house. Some think it is on account of her inherient goodness, and some think it is on account of Samuel Danker. We all spose she hain't forgot Samuel.