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This reduced him to utter speechlessness. Mutely he helped me to don the cloak over my thin evening dress. I slipped the tin box and the key into the pockets. As I stepped out once more into the night, my landlord found his speech. "When will you be back, sir?" The question startled me for a moment; for a second or two I hesitated.

And now in his speechlessness, darkness, and silence, he still preached in his way, carving out the beast with seven heads and ten horns, and female figures of hideous mien, the signification of which nobody rightly knew.

Whereupon the hulk of a son, consequential and patronizing, discoursed bunglingly, and at length, on his opinions and beliefs, until he was inflated to speechlessness by conceit, and his hearers disgusted into responsive silence. If your girl is clever, do not tell her so, or repeat to others in her presence her bright observations.

And he took pity on me in the likeness of an old crone, and raising me on his shoulders himself bore me through the headlong tide. So he is honoured by me unceasingly; nor will Pelias pay the penalty of his outrage, unless thou wilt grant Jason his return." Thus she spake, and speechlessness seized Cypris.

The mere fact that she spoke, after that rather long blank period of speechlessness, and the cold blaze of her blue eyes that accompanied her words, effected more than the words themselves. And then, in a tempest of tears and self-reproaches, Olga repented a phase of the situation which was worse, almost, than the former one, because it couldn't be dealt with quite so summarily.

His cousins helped in the latter part of this work. Weakness had reduced Uncle Bill to speechlessness. Finally the head of Bill Campbell was laid on a double fold of blanket in lieu of a pillow. A pipe had been tamped full and lighted by Bull and crowning insult set between Bill's teeth. When all this was accomplished Bull retired to his corner, picked up his book, and was instantly absorbed.

It was all Granny Marrable could find voice for, and Ruth was hard put to it to say: "You are my mother." And as each of these women spoke she bent over the white face of the dying woman, and kissed it through the speechlessness their words had left upon their lips. It was not quite old Mrs. Picture's last word of all. A few minutes later she seemed to make weak efforts towards speech.

The girl shed tears as she moved about sullenly. She would not speak to Bates, and he did not in the least understand that, sullen as she was, her speechlessness did not result from that, but from inability to reduce to any form the chaotic emotions within her, or to find any expression which might represent her distress.

No one had surgical skill to deal with so severe a wound as that which Narcisse had inflicted; and the daily pain and inconvenience it caused led to innumerable drawbacks that often even after he had come as far as the garden brought him back to his bed in a dark room, to blood-letting, and to speechlessness.

Wilfrid struck his forehead miserably. 'Stop Lieutenant Zettlisch. Don't let him go up to her. Don't De Pyrmont beheld in astonishment that a speechlessness such as affects condemned wretches in the supreme last minutes of existence had come upon the Englishman. 'I'm afraid yours is a bad case, he said; 'and the worst of it is, it's just the case women have no compassion for.