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It's much easier to pay ten roubles a month than fifty roubles every five months!" As she goes out, she stops to say: "The person I am sorriest for is our Liza. The girl studies at the Conservatoire, always mixes with people of good position, and goodness knows how she is dressed. Her fur coat is in such a state she is ashamed to show herself in the street.

True, I had been housed and fed, and the comforts of indolence had been mine; but, for the rest, I was still clothed in the livery of folly which I had worn on my arrival, and, wherever I might roam, there followed ever at my heels a crowd of underlings, seeking to have their tedium lightened by jests and capers, and voting me when their hopes proved barren the sorriest Fool that had ever worn the motley.

Then I sighed. "Do you know, Jim, what I'm sorriest for?" said I. "At this rate, I can't be best man at your marriage." "My marriage!" he repeated, echoing the sigh. "No marriage for me now. I'm going right down to-night to break it to her. I think that's what's shaken me all day. "Well, you know, Jim, it was my doing, and you must lay the blame on me," said I. "Not a cent of it!" he cried.

Who is so green, so soft, so foolishly the victim of the sorriest sharper as this man? Weigh out all his past, and what has it been? Weigh out his future if you can and think what it must be. Poor, dull Faustus! What! thou hast lost everything among the thimble-riggers? Poor, dull, stupid wretch! Mr. Bertram had not been a good man, nor had he been a wise man.

Shall we not add a livery to his purse?" "As you will, good fellow, and forget not a horse, for our guest's mount is of the sorriest." The knight's sorrow gave way to hope as he saw the eagerness, of the generous woodmen. Little John's count of the money added ample interest; the cloths were measured with a bow-stick for a yard, and a palfrey was added to the courser, to bear their welcome gifts.

In 1386, Charles VI., under guidance of his uncles, declared war on England, and exhausted all France in preparations; the attempt proved the sorriest failure. The regency of the Dukes became daily more unpopular, until in 1388 Charles dismissed his two uncles, the Dukes of Burgundy and Berri, and began to rule.

To survive, she had been forced to lock her heart; to hold every hope in the cold white fingers of fear; cruelly to curb the sweep of feminine outpouring, lest its object soften into chaos; and roused womanhood, returning empty overwhelm. This is the sorriest instinct of self-preservation. She would have said at this time that Andrew Bedient had not aroused the woman in her as the Other had done.

"I am doubtless the sorriest knave that ever lived here," he mourns, but it only increases his determination to go directly to Esther. "I guess Dr. Tarpion will not throw me in the waste-basket! Seven thousand dollars!" David Lockwin feels as rich as Corkey. It is a mad thing he is doing, this pulling of the door-bell at the old home. The balcony is overhead. Never mind little Davy!

Oh, there was something great about Isak; as it might be Israel, promised and ever deceived, but still believing. By Monday the tension was less marked, and as the days went on, the impression of that unhappy Saturday evening grew fainter. Time can mend a deal of things; a spit and a shake, a meal and a good night's rest, and it will heal the sorriest of wounds.

Viewed from the side of the missing eye, with his three-cornered hat, his sabre and his yellow gloves, the gendarme presented one of the sorriest aspects of human life.