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Besides the man of my love, and the payrents that begot me, seven sons of my body have I laid in the grave, three in infancy of summer-complaint, two with the choking-disease, two with typhoid; and in all this I never once lifted up my voice ag'in' God, but bore it still and patient, even when I were reduced down to just John, my sorriest son, and little Evy, my onliest daughter and the child of my prayer.

"Oh, there's no use resisting you," he said, half under his breath. "It's the sorriest bargain a woman ever made, but " "If she will make it " "Look at me, Nan." "I can't long," she complained. "Somehow you you blind me." He laughed softly. "I realize that you are blind blind. But I can't open your eyes. Somehow I'm losing the strength to try."

"And if I find out that you done something outrageous to those cats to my Sam, 'specially it'll be the sorriest day of your life. Now, you see if 'tisn't!" She turned and flounced into her house. Janice came slowly back to the kitchen door where she found the new houseworker frankly listening. "Guess she's a sharper, ain't she?" squeaked the woman.

But by and by ah, it is an old story, and the saddest, sorriest of all stories in this life of ours; reading it, or hearing it, one sighs that our guardian angel's wings are invisible, and that once from out their protecting shadow, we rush headlong unto darkness and death. We will not assert that Thornton felt not the death of his only son; he was not so inhuman as to be unaffected.

But let any fortune bring Bonaventure in any guise sorriest horseman of all, youngest, slenderest, and stranger to all the ways that youth loves and at once she is visible; nay, more, accessible; and he, welcome. So accessible she, so welcome he, that more than once she has to waft aside her mother's criticisms by pleading Bonaventure's foster-brotherhood and her one or two superior years.

"This good news did not reach the court, however, until after the prisoner had been arraigned. When asked the usual question, 'Guilty, or not guilty? the boy stood up and was about to address some remarks to the court, when suddenly there rushed into the room about the sorriest looking woman who ever stood before a judge. She was poorly clad, wet as a rat, haggard and pale.

The one who seemed to know most, and to be sorriest of all, was Canon Wharton. She was always meeting him now. It was positively as if he lay in wait for her. His eyes seemed more than ever to have penetrated her secret. They held it safe under the pent-house of his brows. They seemed to be always making allusions to it, while his tongue preserved a delicate reticence.

"Not much yet It is a little, however, sometimes, to know such strong, and beautiful, and happy-making things, and all the time my people, my beloved humans, born of my Father in heaven, with the same heart for joy and sorrow, will not listen and be comforted, I think that was what made our Lord sorriest of all" "Mr. Ingram, I have no patience with you.

At last they chance on the right path, and make Franchard in the early evening, the sorriest pair of wanderers that ever welcomed English ale. Thence, by the Bois d'Hyver, the Ventes-Alexandre, and the Pins Brulés, to the clean hostelry, dry clothes, and dinner.

"Why, I would rather be the sorriest beggar that ever breathed than be myself! Luxury! You mock me, Lord Arleigh." "You will be less bitter against me in time, my darling," he said. "I mean just what I say that you will have everything this world can give you " "Except love and happiness," she interposed.