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The skipper is still at the wheel, to which he and the two men whose trick it is are clinging. 'Hard-a-lee! and round she goes this time, till she snuggles into a good lie-to, which keeps her alternately coming up and falling off a little, by the counteraction of the sails and helm.

Pickin' out a quaint old ring from my collection, I slips around beside Auntie and snuggles up confidential. "Well, Torchy," says she, "what is it?" "It's a big favor," says I. "See this? I want you to let me ask Vee to wear this for for keeps. Can I?" "You you mean " she begins. "Uh-huh!" says I. "Until some time I can fit one on well, one that the best man hands me. Come on, Auntie.

An alarm-clock sounds the morning hour of five. Paul starts, shivers, tiptoes to the door and tries the catch. He furtively looks at the transom, behind room furniture, and suspended clothing. Peering under both cots, he shrinks from reflected shadows. Then gazing confidingly at the paternal face, Paul snuffs out the candle, and with childish assurance snuggles down on his father's arm.

And turning aside from the cradle which she has been rocking, she lifts small Will to her lap, and he stretching frosty fingers and toes all tingling to the heat, snuggles close. He is glad Mother speaks sharply and is outdone about it; somehow this makes it more reassuring. "Witched!" says Mother. "Tell me!

Perhaps the essence of the thing is the value which men attach to a valuable something which has come by luck and not been earned. A dollar picked up in the road is more satisfaction to you than the ninety-and-nine which you had to work for, and money won at faro or in stocks snuggles into your heart in the same way.

Seems shy and bashful too, except when she snuggles up on the lee side of Marjorie and trails off with her. The particular party I was strainin' my eyesight for ain't in evidence, though, and all the hint I gets of her bein' there was hearin' a ripply laugh at the far end of the hallway when she and Marjorie go to a fond clinch. That was some comfort, though, she was in the house!

It flows out of the "sea" unhindered now save by pickerel weed and sagittaria, rush and meadow grasses, and in woodsy places by brook alder, clethra, huckleberry and spice-bush that lean into it as they wrestle with greenbrier and clematis. The mayflower snuggles into the leaves along its drier upper margins, here and there, and is to be found on the borders of the "sea" more plentifully.

Then she comes over to me and kinder snuggles up and smiles, and says, ''Edge, and tried to put the club in my hand. "My topnot riz up on my head. 'Good Lord! thinks I, 'she's making love to me so's to get me to take that club and go and thump Hammond with it! "I was scared stiff, but Lobelia was between me and the door, so I kept smiling and backing away. "'Now, Lobelia, says I, 'don't be

An' I says, 'Me dear, where did ye git yer fever? An' she says, 'The swamp, I think. Don't I have to travel to-day? I'm in bed. An' I says, 'Not to-day nor anny day till ye want, me child, and she turns over an' snuggles down like a lamb.

And when he comes to the next inn, and snuggles in his well-warmed, bed, he thinks of the wild waste of heather where he might have had to spend the night alone beneath the stars; nor does it, I think, occur to him that the broad road he treads all day was once a trackless heath itself. But the poor silly tenth is faring on.