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You may clamber all over the island and all around the shores and it seems to be just ahead of you, or just behind; so far as the stories go, well; the queer harbor inside is said to have been a smuggler's hiding-place years ago, and there are all kinds of yarns connected with the island, from bloody murders down to strange sea monsters seen crawling over the rocks.

"Yes," said the lad, and setting his teeth hard he pressed his hands against the wall on either side, felt about with one foot, drew the other up to it, and then let go and began to slide down a steep slope, the passage taking away his breath, so that he was panting hard when his heels met with a sudden check and the smuggler's voice, sounding like a hollow whisper, said: "Bottom o' this bit."

"They are not up yet," said Adela, glancing over her shoulder. "They have been out all night, Hilary." "Oh, then, I'm in a regular smuggler's den, I suppose. What place is this I am in?" "The old chapel, Hilary. They say it's haunted, and for the moment, when I saw you, I was frightened." "What! are there ghosts here?" said Hilary, glancing inside. "Yes, they say one walks there sometimes."

However, after waiting a minute, she came down the hill with the light step of a young girl; when, catching sight of them, instead of retreating she came boldly forward. "Oh, Tom, oh, Mr Charles, I am so glad to see you all right!" she exclaimed, as she got near enough for them to recognise the features of Polly Herring, the smuggler's daughter.

"I said I wasn't going to stop the way of your lordship's frigate to let a smuggler's brat liquor up." "And quite right too," said Nelson. "What is it the boy wants?" "I understood him to ask for brandy, my lord for the corpse in the boat." "What! is there a corpse in the boat?" "O yes, my lord a nice little bit of a corpse.

The smuggler's crew grumbled at not having their dinner cooked in time. Dusty Dick had to take charge of the kitchen in addition to his other duties, and the mill required his attention. Gaffin had accordingly to serve out an additional supply of liquor to keep his guests quiet.

When this was accomplished, and MacFee had secured the smuggler's pistols, he said again, "March, Lambton." Lambton marched through the moonlit night towards the troop of men who had come to set up the flag of order in the plains and hills, and as he went his keen ear heard his own mules galloping away down towards the Barfleur Coulee. His heart thumped in his breast.

Here there appeared no exit; but the smuggler, or smuggler's ally, availing himself of a ladder, removed an old picture, which showed a door about seven feet from the ground, and Fairford, still following Job, was involved in another tortuous and dark passage, which involuntarily reminded him of Peter Peebles's lawsuit.

The officer was evidently nonplussed, but he was still not inclined to take the smuggler's word. He allowed the lugger, however, to stand further out, until she could heave to with safety, when he ordered the foresail to be backed. He, with several of his men, then went below, Dore ordering Dick and another lad to carry a couple of lanterns, that the officer might see his way.

He could not have stayed in England, but would have had to make for the coast, and escape to France or Holland in some smuggler's boat. You see he would have been just where he is now. But it is more probable that you would not have secured him, for the guard would at the first attempt have been called upon to fire, and many lives would have been sacrificed for nothing."