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The huntsmen then cautiously went along the side of the two remaining heaps, but not another trace of a snake could they find, so they went back the whole length of the four heaps, but with no better success, till Dick, who was down at the bottom of the bramble-covered ditch, suddenly set up a sharp, short bark, then there was a rustle and skurry for a moment, and he rushed open-mouthed up the bank head fust at the oak palings, and came against them with a thud just after a snake's tail was seen to disappear through a hole at the bottom, where a small piece had rotted away.

To tell the truth we didn't try; but we had a nice little skurry for four or five miles." "Some of you look very wet" Captain Glomax and Ned Botsey were standing near the carriage; but the Captain as soon as he heard this, broke into a trot and followed the hounds. "Some of us are very wet," said Ned. "That's part of the fun." "Oh; that's part of the fun.

Up one street and down another, till they came to the edge of the big river, and there the piper turned sharply about and stepped aside, and all those rats tumbled hurry skurry, head over heels, down the bank into the river and were drowned. Every single one. No, there was one big old fat rat; he was so fat he didn't sink, and he swam across, and ran away to tell the tale.

It's summer now, and Harry March always quits the hills as soon after the frosts set in, as is convenient." "I know you Hurry Skurry I'll sell you a scalp! a sound one, and of a full grown man What'll you give?" "Poor Tom! That scalp business hasn't turned out at all profitable, and I've pretty much concluded to give it up; and to follow a less bloody calling." "Have you got any scalp?

Hurry skurry, a mixed multitude of men and horses, carts and carriages, all in the direction of the old town; and, in the midst of all that mad throng, at a moment when the rain gushes were coming down with particular fury, and the artillery of the sky was pealing as I had never heard it peal before, I felt some one seize me by the arm I turned round and beheld Mr. Petulengro.

"I passed the time of day to him, but felt kind of blue. This didn't look like keeping my word with the kids. I really hated to say anything to the old man, knowing his disposition; still I felt I had to, and I out with my story. "'Dear! dear! says he. 'The hurry and skurry of young folks! How idle it seems when you get fifty years away from it, and see how little anything counts!

"I do think it. When I came here on purpose to have a skurry over the country with you, you went away to Holcombe Cross though you could have hunted here, close in the neighbourhood. And now you tell me there will be a frost to-morrow." "Can I help that, darling?" "Darling! I ain't your darling. You don't care a bit for me. I believe you hope there'll be a frost."

The four men came out of the back room of the bank just as the storm that had all day been threatening broke on Main Street. They stood together by the front window and watched the people skurry along past the stores homeward-bound from the circus. Farmers jumping into their wagons started their horses away on the trot. The whole street was populous with people shouting and running.

When the hot skurry had ended, the remnant of the prairie-horsemen was seen heading down the valley, followed by the four bands of the Utahs who had now closed together. Pressing onward in the pursuit, they still vociferated their wild Ugh! aloo! firing shots at intervals, as they rode within reach of their flying foemen. Neither Wingrove nor I had an opportunity of taking part in the affray.