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Updated: July 31, 2024

It is Lane!" they cried. "Let us ride back to Atchison and get ready to defend the town," and on a gallop they skedaddled back to Atchison. Mr. Speck had been with some of his neighbors to bring home a herd of cattle. An old cow had broken from the herd, intending to get back to her former grazing ground, and Mr. Speck and his neighbors had ridden full gallop to head her off.

He evidently complimented himself upon the modesty of this statement. "How do you know you won't run when the time comes?" asked the youth. "Run?" said the loud one; "run? of course not!" He laughed. "Well," continued the youth, "lots of good-a-'nough men have thought they was going to do great things before the fight, but when the time come they skedaddled."

Magazines and papers fell from the hands which held them, and the usual quiet of the room was broken by a buzz of astonishment. "Run away! Go on; you don't mean it!" "I do, though: he's skedaddled right enough, and they can't find him anywhere." The report was only too true.

They broke ranks, fled for their horses, scrambled on the first that came to hand, and skedaddled in the direction of Brownsville."New York Evening Post, September 25, 1864. The moment a shell had burst or fallen unburst, our little gun was invariably fired in return, and that with some precision, so far as we could judge, its range also being nearly as great.

Here! in with you, every one of you! and he threw him nearly into the door, and then they all skedaddled into the church, I tell you, Don said. They were pretty badly scart, too, but Don did not know what papa did to Ranald, and he did not know where Ranald went, but he is pretty badly hurted, I am sure. That great big Aleck McRae is old enough to be his father. Wasn't it mean of him, mother?"

"I don't understand you," said Demorest impatiently. "WHAT has happened?" "Haven't you heard the news?" said the manager in surprise. "It's in all the Sacramento papers. Van Loo is a defaulter has hypothecated everything he had and skedaddled." Barker started. He was not thinking of the loss of his wife's money only of HER disappointment and mortification over it. Poor girl!

By the time the sheriff gets out his posse they've skedaddled, and the leader, like as not, is takin' his quiet cocktail at the Bank Exchange, or mebbe losin' his earnings to the sheriff over draw poker, in Sacramento. You see you can't prove anything agin them unless you take them 'on the fly. It may be a part of Joaquim Murietta's band, though I wouldn't swear to it."

"It seems to me," remarked Diggory to his two chums, "that it was a put-up job, all arranged beforehand." "Then who d'you think planned it?" asked Mugford. "I don't know, but I believe Gull had a hand in it." "Oh, I don't think that," answered Jack Vance. "He came in and lit the gas; if he'd been in it, he'd have skedaddled with the rest."

I've discovered one under the bed, but the other has disappeared, gone, skedaddled. Do rummage around and find it for me, won't you? I think it's down-stairs " "My dear child," her brother began in mild exasperation, "how can it be down-stairs " The door of Myra Nell's room burst open suddenly, and a very animated face peered around the edge at him. "Because I left it there, purposely.

"Noaks and Mouler and Gull and I did the trick; young Grundy's was the voice that told Browse to go down to the 'lab. Grundy hung about at the top of the stairs, and as soon as he saw Browse come back and make for Allingford's study, he let us know the coast was clear, so we unlocked the door and skedaddled.

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