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Godolphin and the young countess were several paces before the little party, and they now took their way towards the Siren's Cave. The path that leads to that singular spot is humid with an eternal spray; and it is so abrupt and slippery, that in order to preserve your footing, you must cling to the bushes that vegetate around the sides of the precipice.

And now, how delightful to her seemed that rugged way, as, with every moment, Godolphin's care Godolphin's hand became necessary; and he, inspired, inflamed by her company, by her touch, by the softness of her manner, and the devotion of her attention no, no! not yet was Lucilla forgotten! And now they stood within the Siren's Cave.

But Frederick was mighty and powerful; he needed no ropes or wax to hold him back. He had the strength to control his will, and the voice of wisdom, the warning voice of duty, spoke louder than the siren's song. "No," said he, "I will not, I dare not allow myself to be again seduced. All this must come to an end! I have long known this, but I had no strength to resist temptation.

"I owe it not to my own wit or wisdom," said Lord Colambre; "but much to love, and much to friendship," added he, turning to Sir James Brooke: "here was the friend who early warned me against the siren's voice; who, before I knew the Lady Isabel, told me what I have since found to be true, that "'Two passions alternately govern her fate Her business is love, but her pleasure is hate,"

She has been talking you over, no doubt; but you have a friend, an Ulysses, who is deaf to the siren's voice. I will be no party to such a transaction. I will not co-operate to humbug my friend and rob him of his rights." If Josephine was inferior to the notary in petty sharpness, she was his superior in the higher kinds of sagacity; and particularly in instinctive perception of character.

Dancing still, encircled by my arms, and gliding along like a sea-nymph on moonlighted foam, she sighed restlessly. "Tell me what you mean, amor mio," she asked, in the tenderest tone in the world. Ah, God! that tender seductive cadence of her voice, how well I knew it! how often had it lured away my strength, as the fabled siren's song had been wont to wreck the listening mariner.

In our youthful fire and thoughtlessness we saw only the flowers and heard the siren's song, but at last the Primrose Way led us down into a gloom where all the flowers withered and the gay songs turned into dirges. Looking at his watch Mac jumped up, saying: "It is 10.45 and time to be off." So he started for the bank, we following at some distance, our nerves all on the stretch.

Then we have a song setting forth how: "Sabina with an angel's face By Love ordain'd for joy, Seems of the Siren's cruel race, To charm and then destroy. "With all the arts of look and dress, She fans the fatal fire; Through pride, mistaken oft for grace, She bids the swains expire.

And under that brief glance Mr. Seven Sachs's calm deserted him as it had never deserted him on the stage, where for over fifteen hundred nights he had withstood the menace of revolvers, poison, and female treachery through three hours and four acts without a single moment of agitation. Apparently Miss Rose Euclid could exercise a siren's charm upon nearly all sorts of men.

As they went up the steep path he took Salvatore familiarly by the arm. "You are too clever, Salvatore," he said. "You play too well for Gaspare." Salvatore chuckled and handled the five-lire notes voluptuously. "Cci basu li manu!" he said. "Cci basu li manu!" Maurice lay on the big bed in the inner room of the siren's house, under the tiny light that burned before Maria Addolorata.