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Updated: August 22, 2024

He probably promised Singa Phut to have the watch ready for him, and then, either in working on his pet invention, the electric lathe, or because of his quarrel with his cousin, forgot about the East Indian's watch. He may, as he says, have gotten up early to redeem his promise to repair it." "But he never did?" asked the colonel.

In fact, it was the opinion of Colonel Ashley that some form of snake poison was used, though what it was, no one could say. And so passed out and beyond Singa Phut, and the charge of murder, having been quashed by a higher tribunal than that of the county court, the matter was soon forgotten.

"No, he is still in town," said Colonel Ashley. "I passed his place a while ago. He has a pair of beautiful Benares candlesticks, in the form of hooded cobra snakes, that I want to get. Singa Phut is still in town." "Does that answer all your questions, Colonel?" inquired Dr. Warren. "I'll tell you all I can, in reason, but if " "Thank you! You've told me all I cared to know.

But it was in less time than that that he came returning on the run, and his face showed excitement. "What's up?" asked Carroll. "Singa Phut," was the panting answer. "Friend of mine just tipped me off where I can get him!

It was so slight that I and my assistant only gave it a passing glance. It hardly penetrated the skin." "I see. In the left hand. This is the hand in which the ticking watch was found, was it not?" "I believe so. The watch belonging to an Indian named Singa Phut.

All this Colonel Ashley had taken into consideration before he sent the telegram. And, having done that, and having had a talk with Darcy at the jail, as well as a consultation with the lawyer, having visited Harry King and seen Singa Phut, the detective paid another visit to the jewelry shop. "And what can I do for you to-day, Colonel?" asked Mr.

"She had both those injuries, it is true. But what is to have prevented her from having been punctured by the watch just before she received those hurts? "I mean in this way," went on the colonel. "We will assume that Singa Phut, finding some trifling thing the matter with his devilish watch, brought it to the Darcy shop, where he was fairly well known.

"Singa Phut!" cried both his auditors. "Yes. Suppose, after he had left the watch to be repaired with young Darcy, the East Indian happened to think that he had not warned against winding it up, which a jeweler would be most apt to do after making repairs. Singa Phut had no reason for wishing harm to Darcy. He may have come to the store late at night intending to warn him to be careful."

"I think so yes," answered the jeweler. "As a matter of fact, I don't believe Jimmie did any repair work on it at all. Singa Phut brought it in to have it fixed, it is true, but Jimmie was a great chap for promising work and then not having it ready on time. I've known him to do that more than once, and he lost Mrs. Darcy customers that way.

"We want to see that Dago, you know Singa Phut," said Donovan, as he nodded to the deputy warden who answered their ring at the steel side door. "Humph! Little too late," was the answer. "Too late! What d'you mean? He's gone?" "That's it." "On bail? No, it couldn't be with a murder charge!" expostulated Donovan. "He can't be out! You're kiddin'!" "He's croaked!" answered the deputy warden.

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