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"I didn't know that you were married," said Mr. Sims. "Yes," said Mr. Purvis, "married, and with five dear boys and three dear girls." The eight of them, he told us, were a great blessing. So, too, was his wife a great social worker, it seemed, in the cause of women's rights and a marvellous platform speaker in the temperance crusade. "By the way, Mr. Sims," said Mr.

Then everything worked all right.... One of these engines that Sims built ran twenty-four hours a day, three hundred and sixty-five days in the year, for over a year before it stopped." Charles L. Clarke on the question of see-sawing, or "hunting," as it was afterward termed: "In the Holborn Viaduct station the difficulty of 'hunting' was not experienced.

Black got her seal coat, and her husband only earning two thousand a year; they know who is going to run for mayor, and how long poor Angela Sims has to live, and what Guy Donnelly said to Min when he asked her to marry him. The three Whalens mother and daughters hunt in a group.

It arises, apparently, from the fact that when Mr. Sims was young, during his college days, the beauty and charm of the girls who dwelt in his college town was such as to render all later women mere feeble suggestions of what might have been. There was, as there always is, one girl in particular. I have not heard my friend speak much of her.

Sims Woodhead, professor in Cambridge University, England, had given the following list of conditions in which alcohol should not be used: In those who have any family history of drunkenness, insanity or nervous disease. Who have used alcohol to excess in childhood or youth. Who are nervous, irritable or badly nourished.

But you know what the lieutenant is, and that it ain't a few tears from a woman that'll turn him from anything he has a mind to do. So he just set her ashore by force, and there she is, as much a prisoner as Mr. Sims himself." I was overcome with the horror of this news, though I suppose it was what I should have expected from my cousin's character. "Good heavens!" I cried out in my distraction.

Miller Sims, a mile or so down river, must be settled with, to fill his dam well, and begin to discharge, when the upper water failed, so as not to dry the Moon all down the valley, which would have caused a commotion. Miller Sims being own brother-in-law to Master Withypool, that could be arranged easily enough, after one day's notice.

There can be no safety for the United States as long as people will read Bulwer and Dickens instead of our "Yemassee," and our "Wigwams and Cabins." But a national literature will it come for any calling to it? Will it come the sooner for the banishment of all other literature? If Mr Sims makes his escape into the woods, and sits there naked and ignorant as a savage, will inspiration visit him?

He stroked his moustache mechanically, and glanced about the garden they were crossing, as if he expected to see Marsa at once. Dr. Fargeas appeared very much pleased to see the Prince, and he thanked him warmly for having come. A thin, light-haired man, with a pensive look and superb eyes, accompanied Fargeas, and the physician introduced him to the Prince as Dr. Sims. Dr.

Sims offered to stop, but Rawson bluntly told him that he could not trust the ship to his charge; so he, pocketing the compliment, accompanied the captain and Morton, with two or three more of the gun-room officers, and Glover and several of the midshipmen, up to the city.