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The memory of himself, or of the other? He must know, he must know! "This way," said Dr. Sims. "We will go to the end of the alley, and meet her face to face." "Courage!" whispered Fargeas. Zilah followed; and, in a few steps, they reached the end of the alley, and stood beneath a clump of leafy trees.

Sims, pointing out an old gentleman, dressed in the style of 1840, like an old-fashioned lithograph of a beau of the time of Gavarni, "that man has been more than thirty-five years in the institution. He will not change the cut of his garments, and he is very careful to have his tailor make his clothes in the same style he dressed when he was young. He is very happy.

Gunnill patted him on the back. "I fancy I can see him running bare-headed through the town calling for help," he said, smiling. Mr. Sims shook his head. "Like as not it'll be kept quiet for the credit of the force," he said, slowly, "unless, of course, they discover who did it." A slight shade fell on the good-humoured countenance of Mr.

The work of the navy was far more extensive, moreover, than the safe convoying of troop ships, important though that was. The very first contingent of American overseas fighting forces was made up of two flotillas of destroyers, which upon the declaration of war had been sent to Queenstown where they were placed under the command of Admiral William S. Sims.

They watched him gravely and silently. "It's no use, boy," said old Carlin; "it's sure death." "Sure death!" Orde laughed bitterly. "All right; sure death, then. Isn't there a man in this crowd that will tackle this sort of sure death with me?" "I'm with you." "And me," said North and the Rough Red in a breath. "Good!" cried Orde. "You, too, Johnny Sims? and Purdy? and Jimmy Powers? Bully boys!"

Gunnill, with an air of cold dignity. "Why," said Mr. Drill, "what I mean is look at that night, for instance, when " He broke off suddenly, even his enthusiasm not being proof against the extraordinary contortions of visage in which Mr. Gunnill was indulging. "When?" prompted Selina and Mr. Sims together. Mr. Gunnill, after first daring him with his eye, followed suit.

I had forgotten to say that when we took the pirates' castle, Captain Sims was found among the prisoners, who, producing his papers, and making out a long tale about his being an innocent merchant skipper, fallen into the hands of the Moors, not only got his freedom, but a handsome compensation out of the plunder of the place, with which he took passage home to England.

He stroked his moustache mechanically, and glanced about the garden they were crossing, as if he expected to see Marsa at once. Dr. Fargeas appeared very much pleased to see the Prince, and he thanked him warmly for having come. A thin, light-haired man, with a pensive look and superb eyes, accompanied Fargeas, and the physician introduced him to the Prince as Dr. Sims. Dr.

As soon as Admiral Sims had finished his interview with Admiral Jellicoe, he immediately sought out the Ambassador and laid all the facts before him. Germany was winning the war.

There they were, on the ground, shining bright, and round. The little girl saw that they were silver dollars. And in the midst of them was the finest little shirt, all woven out of silk! The little girl put on the little silk shirt, and gathered the star dollars; and she was rich, all the days of her life. Albert E. Sims to children in many parts of England.