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Updated: August 28, 2024

His farm is side-on to the Newbridge road and how perfectly awful it will look to see advertisements of pills and plasters all along it, don't you know?" The Improvers DID know, all too well. Even the least imaginative among them could picture the grotesque effect of half a mile of board fence adorned with such advertisements.

Shortly after daylight the wanigan, pushed strongly from shore by the pike-poles, was drifting toward the chute. When the heavy scow threatened to turn side-on, the sweeps at either end churned the water frantically in an endeavour to straighten her out. Sometimes, by a misunderstanding, they worked against each other.

He started out to show one of the horses to the Commissioner at the Fort, but the brute bucked fiercely towards the cut-bank, sidling and fighting against its rider until at last there seemed to be nothing for it but to go over the bank side-on. That did not suit Sharples. He turned the brute sharply towards the precipice, gave it the spur and went out into space.

I was loath to do ut, but I wint round an' swung into the jaw side-on an' shifted ut a half pace to the lef'. "Will ye hear reason now?" sez I; "I can't keep my timper much longer, an' 'tis like I will hurt you." "Not whoile I can stand," he mumbles out av one corner av his mouth. So I closed an' threw him blind, dumb, an' sick, an' jammed the jaw straight.

I was loath to do ut, but I wint round an' swung into the jaw side-on an' shifted ut a half pace to the lef'. "'Will ye hear reason now? sez I; 'I can't keep my timper much longer, an 'tis like I will hurt you. "'Not whoile I can stand, he mumbles out av one corner av his mouth. So I closed an' threw him blind, dumb, an' sick, an' jammed the jaw straight.

"Oh, talk to me about it!" she said. "How did you do it what do you call it I want to hear you tell about it." "I guess you saw it all just a plain uppercut. Those blame city crowds would see a man killed before they'd think of anything but the show. I've always said that, and now I know it. I caught sight of the old man side-on and I saw he was hurt by something more than a punch.

By instinct, she followed into the hole back of him, so that she found herself in the second row of spectators to a curious struggle, the details of which flashed in upon her all at once. Two laborers, gross, tanned, dirty, were fighting. They had swung side-on as the hole opened, and her glance focused itself upon the smaller of the two.

Bet, knowing that they were safe, may have relaxed her efforts, or perhaps the very end of her strength had been reached. The canoe took a wave side-on and turned completely over. Kit struggled, gulped and swallowed as the cold water covered her and she felt herself being drawn toward the boat. But Bet did not remember anything of the plunge.

When his broadside touched ground, Jack was standing beside him; and when he leaped to his feet, Jack was in the saddle. Exeunt fighting. Toby, with his bare feet and brown, good-humoured face, was the only person visible on the station premises as I rode up. "Gosh, I didn't know you till I seen you side-on, when you was shuttin' the Red Gate," he remarked.

After consultation with Reed, another rope was brought and the end of it tossed down to the shipwrecked crew. Orde pointed to the stern of the boat, revolving his hands in pantomime to show that the wanigan would be apt to upset if allowed to get side-on when freed.

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