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What is it? 'I cannot move me leg. 'Curses on the Cavalry. 'Have ye got th' time? 'Oh me knee, how it aches me. 'Ha ha. Ha ha. Ha ha. Ha ha. 'Veev, th' Impror. 'Right about face, shouldher ar-rms, right shouldher shift arms. March. A harsh, metallic voice in the distance: 'Gin-rals, leftnant Gin'rals, officers, sooz- officers, an' men . 'Tis th' boy's father.

Well, afther restin' for awhile, he began agin, and he put his shouldher to the work in airnest; but still the room was no fuller at all, at all.

'Twas 'Good mornin', Misther Dooley, an' will ye come in an' have a cup iv tay, an' 'How d'ye do Misther Dooley, I didn't see ye at mass this mornin', an' 'Martin, me boy, dhrop in an' take a hand at forty-fives. Th' young ladies has been ask in' me ar-re ye dead. I was th' pop'lar idol, ye might say, an' manny's th' black look I got over th' shouldher at picnic an' wake.

That we'll not silence our voices while there's breath in our bodies. That we'll resist their tyranny while we've strength to shouldher a gun or handle a pike. I appeal to you, O Irishmen, in the name of yer broken homes; in the name of all that makes life glorious and death divine! In the name of yer maimed and yer dead! Of yer brothers in prison and in exile!

But at lasht there came a shcame intil his wicked ould head, an' he tuk a big bag one mornin', over his shouldher, and he says till his mother, says he, 'Mother, have the pot all bilin' agin' I come home, for I'll bring the little rid hin to-night for our shupper. An' away he wint, over the hill, an' came craping shly and soft through the woods to where the little rid hin lived in her shnug bit iv a house.

Jim sthruv to shoot himself with his second pistol, but it missed fire. 'The curse o' the road is on me, said Jim; 'my pistol missed fire, and my horse slipped his shouldher, and now I'll be scragged, says he, 'but it's not for nothing I've killed one o' ye, says he." "He was all pluck," said Goggins. "Desperate bowld," said Larry.

"Oh, I'm not stoppin'," said Larry; "I was sayin' that it was a bad wild night, and Jimmy Barlow's appearance came into the house and asked them for a glass o' sper'ts, and that he'd be obleeged to them if they'd help him with his horse that slipped his shouldher; and, 'faith, afther that, they'd stay in the place no longer; and signs on it, the house is gone to rack and ruin, and it's only this barn that is kept up at all, because it's convaynient for owld Skinflint on the farm."

Well, as I was sayin', we shtuck there breathin' in each other's faces and swearin' powerful; Orth'ris cursin' the mother that bore him bekaze he was not three inches taller. 'Prisintly he sez: "Duck, ye lump, an' I can get at a man over your shouldher!"

Well, th' three iv us sits here an' pass th' dhrink an' sing our songs iv glee till about ilivin o'clock; thin ye begin to look over ye'er shouldher ivry time ye hear a woman's voice an' fin'lly ye get up an' yawn an' dhrink ivrything on th' table an' gallop home.

And then, turning to me, he added, "Sure an' that wor a purty droive, Misther Gray-ham; ye lit him have it straight from the shouldher." "I'm sure I didn't mean to hurt him," I answered, sorry now for my opponent as he scrambled at last up on his feet, looking very bedraggled and showing on his face the signs of the fray. "I only held out my hand to save the poor bird, and he ran against my fist."