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Updated: August 7, 2024

Also, that he sheweth mercy of his own good pleasure, nothing moving him thereto. You may also see that 1 Tim. i. 15, 16. What tendeth more to this, than for sinners to see, and with guilt and amazement to confess, what sin is, and so to have pardon extended from God to the sinner as such?

I have a Son too, whom I would fain have taught to gallant Fans, and should be glad to know what the Gentleman will have for teaching them both, I finding Fans for Practice at my own Expence. This Information will in the highest manner oblige, SIR, Your most humble Servant, William Wiseacre. To the SPECTATOR. The humble Petition of Benjamin Easie, Gent. Sheweth,

Would not you think, if when you are shewing your son or your servant his faults, if he should do what he could to divert and take off is mind from what you are saying, that he striveth against you, and sheweth dislike of your doings. What else means the complaints of masters and of fathers in this matter? I have a servant, I have a son, that doth contrary to my will.

Most Humbly Sheweth That there is a Considerable Tract of Land Lying vacant and unimproved Between the Towns of Chelmsford, Lancaster & Stow & Groton, as s'd Groton was Survey'd & Lay'd out by Mr.

"My friend," said he, "a long time ago there was a prophet, and he was offered the world. The story is told us 'Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; and saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me. You recall that story, Mr.

Register No. Name, Niblo Clark, Present Age, 40. Confined in Chatham Prison. Date of Petition, January 15, 1890. CONVICTED. CRIME. SENTENCE. REMARKS. When. Where. 1880. Old Bailey, Burglary. 15 Years. In Hospital. London. Troublesome. To the Right Honorable Henry Mathews, Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for the Home Department: The Petition of Niblo Clark Humbly Sheweth

Here also are yet standing the ruines of the olde tower of Babel, which being vpon a plaine ground seemeth a farre off very great, but the nerer you come to it, the lesser and lesser it appeareth; sundry times I haue gone thither to see it, and found the remnants yet standing aboue a quarter of a mile in compasse, and almost as high as the stone worke of Pauls steeple in London, but it sheweth much bigger.

For if the ministration of condemnation be glory, much more doth the ministration of righteousness exceed in glory: for even that which was made glorious hath no glory in this respect, by reason of the glory that excelleth;" 2 Cor. iii. 7-10. And the Spirit of God sheweth, at least, some things of that excellent glory of them to the understanding that it enlighteneth; Eph. i. 17-19.

May not a man subscribe the whole articles, because he differs from another in the explication of one? How many oaths are prescribed, that men may differ in the explication of some part of them? Instance, &c. "Idea of Government." A canting pedantic way, learned from Locke; and how prettily he sheweth it. Instance The sottish way of arguing; from what the parliament can do; from their power, &c.

In this sense it may be true, that the legislature giveth leave to the bishops to appoint, and they appoint themselves, I mean, the executive power appoints, &c. He sheweth his ignorance in government. As to High Church he carrieth it a prodigious way, and includeth, in the idea of it, more than others will allow. One of his principles to expose.

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